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Television, Radio and the Press

The whole emphasis is in developing an attitude of mind in society generally, in relation to security and the fullest possible use is made at all times of the communicating media such as television, radio, national newspapers and magazines and the local press, in an endeavour to fulfil this objective.

Frequent crime prevention campaigns are held at national and local level.

Every Police Force in the Country is now actively engaged in promoting crime prevention and forging a strong link with law- abiding citizens.

Anyone seeking advice upon any security problem need only communicate with the Police in the locality where he resides or carries on business and he will be assisted in every possible way to protect his home and his business against criminals.

British Security Industry Association

Because of the vast increase in crime over the years, the volume of business carried on by private security companies has greatly increased and Police maintain a very close liaison with them because of our mutual interests.

The British Security Industry Association was established in 1967 and is the official body of the private security industry. The Association represents its members on the Home Office Standing Committee on crime prevention and other organizations with similar aims.

It aims to promote the highest professional standards of performance. Its members adhere to a Code of Practice.

Members of the B.S.I.A. handle about 90% by volume of private security business in four sections – alarm, guard and patrol, safe and lock.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 281 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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