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Complex Subject. Сложное подлежащее

Если после пассивного сказуемого типа

is said (говорят, как говорится),

is known (известно, как известно),

is reported (сообщают, как сообщается),

is expected (ожидают, как ожидается),

is supposed (полагают, как предполагается),

is considered (считают, как считается) и т.п. стоит инфинитив, нужно ожидать наличие в этом предложении сложного подлежащего. Инфинитив является его второй частью, а первой – существительное в общем падеже или личное местоимение в именительном падеже, находящиеся до сказуемого.

Проследите возможности перевода на русский язык:

Edgar Hoover is known to have been Director of FBI for 48 years. Известно, что Э. Гувер являлся директором ФБР сорок восемь лет.
  или: Э. Гувер, как известно,являлся...

Обратите внимание на перевод перфектного инфинитива глаголом в прошедшем времени (см. §55).

При сложном подлежащем могут быть также сказуемые типа

seem appearкажется happen prove is likely, is certain – вероятно, несомненно is unlikely маловероятно

Ex. 11. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, обращая внимание на Complex Subject.


1. He is said to read English newspapers.

2. He was said to read English newspapers.

3. They are said to read English newspapers.

4. They were said to read English newspapers.

5. He is said to have translated this article.

6. He was said to have translated this article.

7. He is said to be translating this article.

8. This text is said to be translated by him.

9. This text is said to have been translated by him.

10. He may prove to be a good specialist.

11. The boat is reported to be passing the Channel.

12. This reaction is unlikely to take place.

13. The data have been admitted to be incorrect.

14. This reaction was found to be inefficient.

15. These results may be presumed to be successful.

16. The system can be expected to give a good basis for our research.

17. The investigation was announced to proceed satisfactorily.

18. The conditions seem to have been poorly chosen.

19. The crime rate proved to be increasing.

20. This investigation is likely to produce good results.


Новые слова: devise – придумывать, изобретать; rogue – жулик, мошенник, негодяй; background – происхождение, окружение; hideout – укрытие, убежище; fidelity – верность; solitary – одиночный.

1. One of the most famous private policing agencies in the world, the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, is believed to have been founded in 1850 in a small Chicago office by young Scottish immigrant Allan Pinkerton. The firm’s trademark is known to be an open eye, underlined with the slogan, "We never sleep". And curiously, the Pinkerton National Detective Agency is considered to be responsible for the term private eye in the American language. Allan Pinkerton himself is supposed to have devised what is today’s "rogues’ gallery". The Pinkerton rogues’ gallery proves to contain detailed descriptions of known criminals including their physical characteristics, backgrounds, companions, and hideouts. His organization is certain to never close a rogues’ gallery case until the individual was officially declared dead. The Pinkerton National Detective Agency’s staff is reported to have been increased from 9 detectives in 1850 to 13 thousand people working now in 70 departments of the firm all over the USA. Robert Pinkerton, the representative of the fourth generation of the detectives’ family appears to be at the head of the firm now.

2. The FBI tradition of service is known to be realized in the Bureau's motto “Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity”. 3. Vollmer, Healy and Smith are known to have contributed much to police education. 4. According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports robbery, rape, assault and murder are reported to have been increased by 224, 121, 117 and 76 per cent respectively between 1960 and 1970. 5. The Los Angeles Police Department is acknowledged to be one of the finest in the world. 6. The first modern polygraph or lie-detector is considered to have been constructed in 1921 by John A. Larson, a medical student at the University of California working with a member of the local police department. 7. Hypnosis is reported to be particularly effective in helping witnesses give descriptions of criminals, relate the details of violent sexual attacks, and recall the scenarios immediately preceding certain accidents. 8. Portable field chemical kits are known to have been developed to help police detect narcotics and dangerous drugs.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 826 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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