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Identity of the vehicle and operator in vehicular collisions

Ownership and identity of the vehicle are known to be established usually by the license plates, the owner's registration card, and by the serial numbers of the car and other identification. These should be with the motor vehicle at all times. Identity is further aided by a knowledge of the make, style and the year in which the vehicle was manufactured. The vehicle is identified to establish ownership and the owner's legal responsibility. One of the owner's responsibilities is to reveal the name of the operator of the vehicle if the owner was not operating it at the time of the accident.

Identity is supposed to include a knowledge of the identity of the operator involved at the time of collision. The operator is responsible for the safe operation of the vehicle. The operator is identified by admission or confession on his part, or by witnesses who saw him control the vehicle.

The physical condition of the operator at the time of collision is important. What happened to him during the collision is also important, for his present physical condition may have been caused by injuries received in the collision.

Identifying the operator reveals the one in control of the vehicle at the time of collision. The investigator is interested in evidence of the amount of control of the vehicle before and after the collision. Control in both cases depends to some extent on the physical condition of the vehicle and operator. One can expect a change in the ability to control if the vehicle is in motion after a collision, due to shock or damage (вред, повреждение) to the operator or the vehicle.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 491 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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