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Complex Non-Finite Forms of the Verbs

Все неличные формы английского глагола: инфинитив (Infinitive), причастия (Participles) и герундий (Gerund) могут быть в страдательном залоге:

to be written – быть написанным

being written – будучи написанным, написанное

to have been written – (уже) быть написанным

having been written – (уже) будучи написанным

Все пассивные формы, кроме Past Participle, состоят из двух частей: to be в какой-либо форме (изменяемая часть) и Past Participle смыслового глагола. Неличные формы в пассивном залоге указывают на пассивный характер выражаемого ими действия. Перфектные формы указывают на завершенный характер действия, имевшего место до действия, выраженного сказуемым предложения.

The letter may have been written by Mister X. Письмо, возможно,написаномистером Х.

Обратите внимание на перевод пассивного инфинитива в функции определения. Не забудьте о том, что он несет также и модальную нагрузку (долженствование, возможность или будущее время).

The crime to be investigated by this police officer is very complex. Преступление,которое долж-но (будет, может) расследовать-ся этим работником полиции, очень сложное.

Ex. 7. Переведите на русский язык следующие неличные формы глаголов.

l.to be asking 1.asked
to have asked asking
to have been asked being asked
to ask having asked
to be asked having been asked
  with asking
2. to be dictating 2. dictated
to have dictated dictating
to have been dictated having dictated
to dictate being dictated
to be dictated having been dictated
  for dictating
3. to discuss 3. having discussed
to have discussed being discussed
to be discussing discussed
to be discussed having been discussed
to have been discussed without discussing
4. to be informed 4. on informing
to inform having informed
to have informed informing
to be informing having been informed
to have been informed informed
  being informed
5. to be transporting 5. having been transpor-ted
to have transported transported
to have been transported before transporting
to be transported having transported
to transport transporting

Ex. 8. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы “can", "may", "must", "should" с инфинитивами в страдательном залоге.

Новые слова: arrow – стрелка; shell-casing – гильза; mirror – зеркало; nickname – прозвище; bullet – пуля.

1. Enlarged photographs of fingerprints from the suspect should be prepared for use at the trial. Points of similarity should be indicated by arrows to enable the jury to understand the basis for identification. 2. The abandoned vehicle, if recovered, should be photographed and checked for fingerprints. The rear-view mirror, driver's door window, the radio should be inspected carefully for fingerprints. 3. A search should be made for bullets and shell-casings if there has been a shooting. 4. The police officer should be qualified as much in criminology as in criminal investigation. 5. An officer must be educated in human relations as he is skilled in driving a patrol car. 6. Theobjectives of detective training may be summarized as lines directed toward apprehension and conviction of criminal offenders proved by evidence and in accordance with the law. 7. Police students must be taught investigational techniques both in the classroom and out-of-doors. 8. Search plans carefully prepared beforehand, are not always as effective as might be expected. 9. First name and nickname files can be used for identification of the criminal. 10. Prospective police should be broadened at the undergraduate level, exposed to arts, literature, languages, philosophy, and the social sciences.

Ex. 9. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы Participles, Gerunds и Infinitives.

Новые слова: stab – закалывать; in behalf of –- в пользу; rib – ребро; to rob – грабить.

1. A juvenile after having been discharged from the reformatory committed another crime.

2. A person being intoxicated broke into a theatre and made a scene.

3. Having taken the money the criminals ran away.

4. A person being accused of murder escaped from a prison.

5. A person delivered a blow with a knife to his victim. There was a stab wound between the third and fourth rib that might have been fatal to the victim.

6. The procurator accused a clerk of a drug store of working in behalf of a small gang. The clerk showed them (the gang) the men to be robbed.

7. A person after a quarrel was heavily beaten by his neighbour and was found in the hospital to have suffered two broken ribs.

Words of Wisdom/Мудрые изречения
1. Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding. Мир нельзя сохранить силой. Его можно достичь только через понимание.
2. A man has the right to be employed, to be trusted, to be loved. Человек имеет право на работу, доверие, любовь.

Ex. 9. Прочтите текст, обращая внимание на формы Passive Voice.

Text for Reading

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 433 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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