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Part I. Terminology/Терминология

The terms "identification" as well as "identity, identify, identical" are derived from the Latin word "idem" which means "the same as that previously mentioned".

"Identity" as a noun (n) means:

1. absolute sameness or exact likeness, the state (or condition) of being the same, identical with something described, claimed or asserted (утверждать, заявлять);

2. individuality or personality.

"Identical" as an adjective (a) means:

1. the very same;

2. Exactly alike, agreeing (согласовываться) in every way.

"To identify" as a verb (v) means:

1. to establish the identity of a person or thing; to learn, show or prove what a person or thing is.

"Identification" (n) means:

1. the process of identifying or being identified.

In police investigation identification is the proof (доказательство) that the prisoner is the criminal wanted (разыскиваемый), his distinctive marks being known; or the pistol seized is the weapon used in committing the crime under investigation.

Identification is considered an extremely important part of the total law enforcement function and a vital element to every investigation. The investigative process is carried out to a certain point, but, beyond this, identification of persons, places, and things becomes absolutely necessary if the investigation is to be concluded successfully.

Ex. 10. Прочтите текст, обращая внимание на личные и сложные нелич-ные формы глаголов в Passive Voice.

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Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 428 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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