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Look at the following materials and complete the table

  A Material   B Properties C Uses

10. What is the best material for the following things and why?

a cup, a car tyre, a frying pan, engineering tools, a mobile.

11. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences (1 – 12) with suitable words from the module.

1. __________ is a light silver-coloured metal that is easy to shape and that is used in window and door frames, and to make cooking foil.
2. “__________” means difficult to shape (= opposite to “easy to shape”).
3. __________ is used in cable TV and communications because it can _________ light and coded messages.
4. In a building process __________ is used to hold bricks together.
5. Windows are made of __________ because this material is __________ (or transparent).
6. Dishes that are made of __________ are beautiful but not practical because this material __________ easily.
7. “__________” means not easily broken. The opposite to this word is “__________”.
8. Industrial cutting and grinding often use __________ because it is the hardest natural material.
9. Water pipes (or tubes) are usually made of __________ because this metal doesn’t __________ in contact with water.
10. __________ is used to make electrical wires because it is __________ to shape this material and it __________ electricity well.
11. __________ is widely used today practically everywhere: to make dishes, to make computer (TV, radio, mobile telephone, etc.) casing, tubes because it is __________, _________, easy to shape.
  ­­­­­­­­­­“­­­­­­­­­__________” means “easy to lift”, “not heavy”.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 980 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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