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Guess the words from their definitions. 1. A person who wants to get a job or a place at a university. 2. Something that you have done in your life; the knowledge or skill

1. A person who wants to get a job or a place at a university.
2. Something that you have done in your life; the knowledge or skill that you have got while doing something.
3. A meeting when one person asks another person different personal questions.
4. To take an exam and to get good mark at it.
5. People who study something.
6. A person whose job is to join pieces of metal together by heating them.
7. An official document that says about your skills or knowledge.
8. A type of Engineering that deals with moving parts of things.
9. An official paper that a person fills in when he or she wants to get a job or a place at a university.
10. A certificate that a person gets after passing of all exams after the completion of a course of study.

7. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Translate the idea, not a word for word:

1. You must apply for visa immediately.
2. I’m filling in an application form at the moment. Could you wait for some time?
3. Where should I apply for a new passport?
4. We have 20 applicants for this job.
5. Please, ask another applicant to come in.
6. I need to fill in an application form in English.
7. How long will you fill in this application form?
8. We must test our new applicant for the job and evaluate his knowledge.
9. To take exam doesn’t mean to pass it.
10. During this course you will take exams after each term.
11. After you pass the exam you may become an apprentice.
12. Passing an exam means that you have got a certain qualification.
13. To be good at practice you should work more in a workshop.
14. Laboratory studies help to get practical skills.
15. After you pass all the exams you’ll get a certificate.
16. How long do you usually prepare for exams?
17. Experience comes after practice.
18. I think that the last applicant is the most suitable for the job.
19. We must find a suitable person among 5 applicants.
20. A company needs a welder with experience.

8. Fill in the gaps in the following text with suitable words from SECTION B of this module.


Usually at the end of the 5th year of education all students (1) __________final exams. If they are (2) __________at exams (= if they (3) __________ them with good marks) they get a (4) __________ (or a (5) __________). Students become young specialists. Now they are ready to (6) __________ a job in any company they want. Each person who wants to get a job is called an (7) _________. Each of them should (8) __________ an (9) __________ where he/she must write general information about himself/herself and specific information about his/her qualifications. Usually selection is made after an (10) __________ with each candidate where he/she answers a number of questions about his/her theoretical and practical knowledge. Each person should (11) __________ for this talk carefully to show how intelligent he/she is. Also it is good if you have any (12) __________. If a boss thinks that a person is (13) __________a job, he/she gets it and begins his/her career.

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