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WHILE-LISTENING. Listen to the video without watching and answer the following questions:

Listen to the video without watching and answer the following questions:

3. What are the people talking about? Complete the heading.

4. How many speakers are there?

Watch the video-track and answer the following questions:

5. Put the names of the speakers in the order of appearance in the track (1, 2, 3, ….):

Ryan Patterson  
Renae S. Tichy  
Chris Nieport  
Sean A. Falkowski  
Ben Staub Jr.  
Margaret M. Middleton  
Dave Myszka  
Susan Kotowski  
Jeft Wolff  

6. Where do all the speakers work?

Watch the parts of the video-track and fulfill the following tasks:

00:01 – 00:19

7. Complete the following text with the words that you hear:

If you like to (1) __________ yourself, you like to take (2) __________ things apart and then back together, if you (3) __________ to see how something works just for sake of doing it, I think (4) __________ __________ would be what you like to do.

00:51 – 01:05

8. Complete the following text with the words that you hear:

Engineering (1) __________ would be a good major for someone who doesn’t just like to come up with an answer on paper or on a (2) __________ but likes to take it on the next (3) __________ and turn it into practical (4) __________ and come up with that final (5) __________.

01:14 – 01:33

9. Complete the following text with the words that you hear:

I wanna* be in a (1) __________, I want to work with other (2) __________, I wonna to, actually, work with my hands. …………… I want to see all those seriously on (3) __________ and I think people we actually wanna see help develop ideas, but actually see those ideas (4) __________ to life. I think that what (5) __________ __________ is all about.   * wanna (American slang) = want to

01:44 – 01:54

10. Complete the following text with the words that you hear:

Do you like Math and (1) __________? Do you find (2) __________ interesting? Do you find (3) __________ interesting? If you do – this is for you!

Watch the whole video-track again and answer the following questions:

11. Who …:

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 939 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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