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C) Read the text again and compare your list of advantages with the list of advantages mentioned in the text

level industry manufacture experience knowledge engineer progress design systems everyday career key qualification

Engineering is the way of realization of technological (1) __________. Engineers and engineering make a major impact in (2) __________ lives of most of us. Engineering qualifications and (3) __________ are a foundation for many different careers.

Nowadays we can talk about engineering ‘globalization’. In many engineering activities we see a new kind of challenge emerging – international business structures. Research and development (R&D) can take place in one location; materials and subassemblies can be taken from several locations worldwide; (4) __________ can take place in areas located far from R&D and raw material supply; and final markets can be anywhere. The skill of an engineer in designing information (5) __________ and configuring operational technology determines how all this fits together competitively and profitably. It means that an (6) __________ can face the challenge of coping with multi-location, multi-cultural relationships at a very early stage of a (7) __________.

Engineers have been at the forefront of turning time into a distinguishing feature of the product creation process. With a faster and more even distribution of ‘know-what’ and ‘know-how’ the difference between success and failure can depend on speed-to-market. This requires a high (8) __________ of engineering (9) __________ and skill in operational system (10) __________ and supply chain management to achieve what is commonly termed “time compression”.

Engineers have often found themselves in (11) __________ positions in (12) __________ and manufacturing and are able to earn high salary that depends on experience and (13) __________.

(adapted from http://www.science-engineering.net)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 1055 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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