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VOCABULARY. subject подлежащий barrier барьер routine заведенный порядок conjugal супружеский retire for the night

subject подлежащий barrier барьер
routine заведенный порядок conjugal супружеский
retire for the night ложиться спать spouse супруг, супруга
introduction внесение; внедрение censorship цензура
contraband контрабанда    
convicted осужденный disciplinary дисциплинарный
prison governor начальник тюрьмы forfeiture потеря
adequate соответствующий confinement заключение
facilities удобства remission помилование
legal adviser адвокат good time время хорошего поведения (зачитываемое заключенным в срок заключения)
litigation тяжба, судебный спор mutiny мятеж
wire проволочный salubrious полезный для здоровья
partition перегородка accomplice соучастник преступления
restrictive ограничительный    

Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) Every aspect of life in prisons is subject to improvement. 2) It's necessary to maintain salubrious climate in prisons. 3) It's necessary to control the production of weapons in prisons. 4) It's necessary to promote escapes in prisons. 5) Most prisons limit the number of visits that a prisoner may receive from his accomplices. 6) Prisons may not allow a convicted prisoner one visit every four weeks. 7) Only investigation officers of the prisoner may visit him. 8) Visits normally take place out of the sight of an officer and out of his hearing. 9) The visitor is to be searched for contraband. 10) Conjugal visits are not permitted. 11) Correspondence of prisoners is subject to censoring. 12) Prison disciplinary sanctions include intensified nutrition and outdoor games. 13) Remission is a reduction of the time that someone has to spend in prison. 14) Good time is time added to the sentence as a reward for good behaviour. 15) Prisons are governed by rules setting out a code of behaviour. 16) Morse code must be given to the prisoner on his arrival in the prison. 17) Prisons are governed by rules listing authorized behaviour. 18) The prohibited offenses include strong drinks and pickles.

Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Every aspect of life in prisons subject to control is. 2) It's necessary in prisons to maintain security. 3) It's necessary in prisons to control the introduction of weapons. 4) It's necessary in prisons to prevent escapes. 5) Most prisons the number of visits limit that a prisoner may receive from his family or friends. 6) Prisons may a convicted prisoner one visit every four weeks allow. 7) Only relatives and friends of the prisoner him may visit. 8) Visits normally within the sight of an officer or within his hearing take place. 9) The visitor searched for contraband may be. 10) Conjugal visits permitted are. 11) Correspondence of prisoners subject is to censorship. 12) Prison disciplinary sanctions forfeiture of privileges, confinement within a punishment cell, and the loss of remission or good time include. 13) Remission a reduction of the time that someone has to spend in prison is. 14) Good time time deducted from the is sentence as a reward for good behaviour. 15) Prisons by rules setting out a code of conduct are governed. 16) The code of conduct to the prisoner on his arrival in the prison must be given. 17) Prisons by rules listing prohibited behaviour are governed. 18) The prohibited offenses mutiny and violence to officers include. 19) The prohibited offenses escaping include and possessing unauthorized articles.

Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Адвокат; улучшение; тяжба; цензура; заключение; помилование; заведенный порядок; ложиться спать; внесение; контрабанда; осужденный; начальник тюрьмы; мятеж; здоровый климат; соленые огурцы; соучастник преступления; следователь; усиленное питание; игры на открытом воздухе.

► Ex. У. Complete the following statements.

1) Every aspect of life in prisons is subject to... 2) It's necessary to maintain... 3) It's necessary to control... 4) It's necessary to prevent... 5) Most prisons limit... 6) Prisons may allow... 7) Only relatives and friends of the prisoner may... 8) Visits normally take place... 9) The visitor may be... 10) Conjugal visits are... 11) Correspondence of prisoners is... 12) Prison disciplinary sanctions include... 13) Remission is... 14) Good time is... 15) Prisons are governed by rules setting... 16) The code of conduct must be given... 17) Prisons are governed by rules listing... 18) The prohibited offenses include...

► Ex. VI. Choose one topic to speak about

a) control in prison;

b) visits and visitors in prison;

c) correspondence of prisoners;

d) disciplinary sanctions in prison;

e) prohibited offenses in prison;

Retell the text “Some aspects of the prisoner's life”.


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