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VOCABULARY. techniques методы repeatedly неоднократно analysis pl

techniques методы repeatedly неоднократно
analysis pl. analyses анализ burglar вор-взломщик
blood stains пятна крови deception обман
fluid жидкость practice upon применять
semen сперма fraud мошенничество
spittle слюна all всё это
threads нитки visual визуальный
microscopy микроскопия identification опознание; установление личности
sample образец stranger незнакомец
genetically генетически miscarriage of justice судебная ошибка
anorganic неорганический recognize узнать
paint краска pick out выбирать
forgery подделка lineup identification идентификация личности путем опознания
data base база данных line up стать в очередь
modus operandi способ совершения преступления, почерк преступника, модус операнди преступника evidence of criminality доказательства совершения преступления, улики.

1) What analyses and traces some of the characteristics of the offender may indicate? 2) What the analysis of threads can show? 3) Can hair samples genetically to those of the suspect be compared? 4) What inorganic substances considerable information under chemical analysis can bring? 5) Examination reveal it to be a forgery of a document may, mayn't it? 6) What to identify the kind of automobile involved in an accident may help? 7) What computer does allow investigators to do? 8) Why modus operandi also may help to identify the suspect? 9) What to the police who is responsible for the crime may suggest? 10) What identification frequently to miscarriages of justice leads? 11) What to be done if the victim or witness believes that he can recognize the offender is?

Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) Modus operandi is a way of doing something that is typical of one person or group. 2) Examination of a document may reveal it to be original. 3) Examination of a fragment of bumper may help to identify the kind of automobile involved in an accident. 4) Rumours allow investigators to create the necessary data bases. 5) The method by which an offense was committed can hardly help to identify the suspect. 6) Offenders differ radically from each other in commission of offence. 7) The burglar's method of entry into the house is to suggest to the police who is responsible for the crime. 8) The type of property stolen may not suggest to the police who is responsible for the crime. 9) The kind of bluff practiced on the victim of a fraud may suggest to the police who is responsible for the crime. 10) Visual identification of a stranger by the victim is always true. 11) Visual identification of a newcomer by the victim leads to miscarriages of justice.

Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Scientific techniques identify suspects help. 2) Scientific techniques beyond doubt the connection between establish suspects and crimes. 3) The analysis of bloodstains the characteristics of the offender indicates. 4) The analysis of threads that threads found on the victim are similar to those in the clothing of the suspect shows. 5) The analysis of threads that threads found at the scene of the crime are similar to those in the clothing of the suspect shows. 6) Hair samples can be chemically and genetically to those of the suspect compared. 7) The analysis brings of inorganic substances considerable information about the suspect.

Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Улики; правонарушитель; пятна крови; жертва; преступление; микроскопия; место совершения преступления; вне сомнения; подделка; подозреваемый; база данных; почерк преступника; вор-взломщик; обман; применять; мошенничество; визуальный; установление личности; незнакомец; судебная ошибка; узнать; выбирать; идентификация личности путем опознания; идентифицировать.

► Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

1) The analysis of bloodstains may indicate... 2) The analysis of body fluids may indicate... 3) The analysis of threads may show... 4) Hair samples can be compared... 5) Many inorganic substances can bring... 6) Examination of a document may reveal... 7) Examination of a fragment of glass may help... 8) Computer allows... 9) Modus operandi may... 10) Many offenders repeatedly commit... 11) The burglar's method of entry into the house may suggest... 12) Visual identifications are often... 13) If the victim believes that he can recognize the offender, the police may... 14) A suspect is usually asked to take part in...

► Ex. VI. Choose one topic to speak about evidence of criminality:

a) body fluids;

b) threads and hair samples;

c) inorganic sub-stances;

d) modus operandi;

e) visual identification.

Retell the text “Scientific techniques to identify suspects”.

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