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Ex. I. Scan through the text Restore the word order in the questions that follow and answer them.

Crime detection and its phases. In most countries the detection of crime is the responsibility of the police, although special law enforcement agencies may be responsible for the discovery of particular types of crime. Customs departments, for instance, may be responsible for the detection of smuggling and related offenses. Crime detection falls into three distinguishable phases: the discovery that a crime has been committed, the identification of a suspect, and the collection of sufficient evidence to indict the suspect before the court. [To indict means to officially charge someone with a criminal offence.] Criminologists have shown that many crimes are discovered by persons, such as victims or witnesses, other than the police, but certain types—in particular crimes that may involve a subject's assent, such as dealing in drugs or prostitution, or those in which there may be no identifiable victim, such as obscenity—are often not discovered unless the police take active steps to determine whether these crimes are being committed. [Obscenity is sexually offensive language or behaviour.] This may require controversial methods, such as surveillance, interception of communications, infiltration of gangs, and entrapment, for example, by making a purchase from a suspected drug dealer. [Surveillance is the act of carefully watching a person or place because they may be connected with criminal activities. To infiltrate means to secretly join an organization or enter a place in order to find out information about them or harm them. Entrapment is the practice of trapping someone by tricking them, especially to show that they are guilty of a crime.]

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 589 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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