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VOCABULARY. evidence доказательство, улика detain задерживать investigating agency следственный орган production предъявление

evidence доказательство, улика detain задерживать
investigating agency следственный орган production предъявление
admissible evidence показание, допустимое в качестве доказательства в суде exhibits вещественные доказательства
convince убедить subsequent последующий
potentially потенциально comply with соответствовать
subject подчиненный procedure laid down установленная процедура
legislation законодательство; закон establish the guilt доказать вину
premises помещение, дом suppress evidence утаить доказательство
jurisdiction судебная практика conviction осуждение, приговор
in this instance в этом случае plainly откровенно
search warrant ордер на обыск exclusionary ru правило об исключении из доказательств
evidence on oath показания под присягой identifying witness понятой
outcome результат good reason достаточное основание
seize захватывать    

) What the investigating agency do to convince the judge that the suspect is guilty should? 2) What to be is done in order to secure the necessary evidence? 3) What involve interference with the freedom of the might suspect? 4) What the police normally subject to are? 5) One is important procedure a search of the suspect, isn't it? 6) When most jurisdictions allow a search to be carried out? 7) What be done in some cases might? 8) Should identify the police officer himself and state the reasons for the search? 9) What required is to carry out a search of private premises? 10) Who usually a search warrant issues? 11) When the law does generally permit a search warrant to be issued? 12) May the warrant subject to time limits be? 13) Who must of the outcome of the search be told? 14) What usually detained by the police for production as exhibits is at any trial? 15) What not admitted in the trial is? 16) What rule a matter of dispute in many jurisdictions is?

Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) The police must gather evidence to convince the judge that the suspect is innocent. 2) Gathering evidence doesn't involve interference with the freedom of the suspect. 3) The suspect must be treated as a guilty person at the stage of gathering evidence. 4) The police must not be subject to close control by legislation at the stage of gathering evidence. 5) Jurisdictions don't allow a search to be carried if there is reasonable ground for suspecting that the evidence will not be found. 6) The police officer must not identify himself and state the reasons for the search. 7) A search of private premises usually requires identifying witnesses. 8) The law permits a search warrant to be issued only if there is good reason to suspect that the offender will be found on the premises. 9) The warrant normally permits only two searches to be carried out. 10) The judge who issues the warrant must not be told of the result of the search. 11) The police for production as exhibits at any subsequent trial usually detain material seized as a result of a search under the authority of a search warrant. 12) Evidence discovered as a result of legal search is not admitted in the trial. 13) Evidence that clearly establishes the guilt of the accused person but discovered as a result of illegal search is admitted in the trial. 14) The suppression of the evidence may prevent the conviction of a person who is plainly innocent.

Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) The investigating agency to gather sufficient legally admissible evidence to convince the judge or jury that the suspect is is guilty. 2) To secure involves the necessary evidence potentially interference with the freedom of the suspect. 3) The suspect treated as an innocent person at the stage of gathering evidence must be. 4) The police subject to close control either by legislation or by the courts at the stage of gathering evidence must be. 5) Jurisdictions a search to be carried out allow only if there is reasonable ground for suspecting that the evidence will be found. 6) A person stopped on the street and searched may be. 7) The police officer to identify himself and state the reasons for the search is. 8) A search of private premises usually a search warrant issued by a magistrate or judge requires. 9) The law generally a search warrant to be issued only if the issuing authority is satisfied after hearing evidence on oath that there is good reason to suspect that the evidence will be found on the premises permits. 10) The warrant subject to time limits may be. 11) The warrant normally only one search to be carried out permits. 12) The judge or magistrate who issues the warrant of the outcome of the search must be told. 13) Material seized as a result of a search under the authority of a search warrant usually detained by the police for production as exhibits at any subsequent trial is. 14) Evidence discovered as a result of illegal search in the trial is not admitted. 15) Evidence that clearly establishes the guilt of the accused person but discovered as a result of illegal search in the trial' is not admitted. 16) The suppression of the evidence the conviction of a person who is plainly guilty may prevent.

Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Спорный вопрос; улика; показание, допустимое в качестве доказательства в суде; убедить; выдать ордер; подчиненный; законодательство; судебная практика; ордер на обыск; показания под присягой; результат; захватывать; задерживать; предъявление; вещественные доказательства; последующий; соответствовать; установленная процедура; доказать вину; утаить доказательство; приговор; откровенно; правило об исключении из доказательств; следственный орган; незаконный обыск.

Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

1) The investigating agency is to gather... 2) To secure the necessary evidence potentially involves... 3) The suspect must be treated as... 4) The police must be subject to... 5) Jurisdictions allow a search to be... 6) A person may be stopped... 7) The police officer is to identify... 8) A search of private premises usually requires... 9) The law generally permits a search warrant to be... 10) The warrant may be subject to... 11) The warrant normally permits... 12) The judge or magistrate who issues... must be told of... 13) Material seized as... is usually detained by... 14) Evidence discovered as a result of... is not admitted in... 15) Evidence that clearly establishes... is not admitted in... 16) The suppression of the evidence may prevent...

Ex. VI. Choose one topic to speak about

a) a search of the suspect;

b) a search of private premises;

c) legal and illegal search;

d) exclusionary rule.

Retell the text “Gathering evidence”.

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