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VOCABULARY. Incest кровосмешение irrelevant не относящийся к делу sexual intercourse половые сношения exemption from liability

Incest кровосмешение irrelevant не относящийся к делу
sexual intercourse половые сношения exemption from liability иммунитет (освобождение) от ответственности
common law общее право treatment исправление
punishable наказуемый acute сильный
ecclesiastical церковный abuse оскорбление
prohibit запрещать breach нарушение
enact вводить (закон) welfare благоденствие
forbid forbade forbidden запрещать infliction причинение
anomaly непоследовательность deprivations лишения
consent согласие victim потерпевший

1) What does the crime of incest consist of? 2) Was incest a crime under the common law? 3) Was incest punishable historically in the ecclesiastical courts? 4) When was legislation prohibiting incest enacted in England? 5) What jurisdictions prohibit intercourse between close relatives? 6) What do most systems forbid? 7) Are there any anomalies in English law? 8) What is irrelevant to the charge of incest? 9) When may the crime of rape be committed? 10) What is not considered incest? 11) Are both parties considered guilty if incest occurs? 12) Are there any exemptions from liability? 13) What do most cases of incest concern? 14) What and why presents acute difficulties to the courts?

Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) The crime of incest consists of sexual intercourse between distant relatives. 2) Incest was not a crime under the criminal law. 3) Incest was punishable theoretically in the ecclesiastical courts. 4) Consent to intercourse is relevant to the charge of incest. 5) Sexual intercourse between stepfather and stepdaughter is considered incest. 6) Both parties are considered guilty if incest happens. 7) Incest involves sexual insult of children. 8) Incest involves a breach of the parent's responsibility for the child's well-being. 9) Incest may result in the disintegration of the family unit.

Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) The crime of incest of sexual intercourse between near relatives consists. 2) Incest not a crime under the common law was. 3) Incest punishable historically in the ecclesiastical was courts. 4) Consent to intercourse irrelevant to the charge of incest is. 5) Sexual is intercourse between stepfather and stepdaughter not considered incest. 6) Both parties are guilty if incest occurs considered. 7) Incest sexual abuse of children involves. 8) Incest a breach of the parent's responsibility for the child's welfare involves. 9) Incest result in the destruction of the family unit may.

Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into


Непоследовательность; согласие; не относящийся к делу; освобождение от ответственности; кровосмешение; половые сношения; общее право; наказуемый; церковный; затрещать; вводить закон; исправление; вовлекать; иметь результатом; состоять из; рассматривать; оскорбление; нарушение; благоденствие; причинение; лишения; потерпевши; некарательное воздействие на преступников.

Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

1) The crime of incest consists of... 2) Incest was... 3) Legislation prohibiting incest was... 4) Most systems forbid... 5) There are some anomalies... 6) Consent to intercourse is... 7)... is not considered incest. 8) Both parties are considered... 9) Most cases of incest... concern... 10) Treatment of the offenders presents... 11) Incest is widely regarded as... 12) Incest involves... 13) To impose a severe penalty...

Ex. VI. Choose one topic to speak about incest:

a) its history;

b) its parties;

c) its treatment.

Retell the text “Incest”.


Ex. I. Scan through the text. Work in pairs to answer the questions that follow.

Arson. In common law, arson consisted of setting fire to the dwelling of another person. In English law any kind of damage deliberately caused by fire—even setting fire to rubbish—is now arson, but generally setting fire to a building is necessary. The gravity of the crime may depend on the extent to which life is endangered—the law may distinguish between arson endangering life, or arson of occupied buildings, and other forms of arson, but most systems consider the crime a serious one. The motivation of those who commit arson differs—arson may be committed as an act of revenge against an employer or by a jealous lover, for example, or by persons who find excitement in fires or have pathological impulses to set fires. Pathological behaviour or feelings happen regularly, are unreasonable, and impossible to control. Pupils out of resentment or simple vandalism sometimes set schools on fire. [Resentment is a feeling of anger because something has happened that you think is unfair. Vandalism is the crime of deliberately damaging things, especially public property.] Some arson is more rationally motivated—a burglar may set fire to a house to conceal the evidence of his crime, as may an employee who is anxious to conceal accounts from an auditor. [Burglar is someone who gets into houses, shops etc. to steal things. Auditor is someone whose job is to officially examine a company's financial records.] Another phenomenon is setting fire to premises belonging to the fire setter in order to make a fraudulent insurance claim.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 560 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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