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VOCABULARY. murder тяжкое убийство (убийство, совершенное с заранее обдуманным злым умыслом) by the way между прочим wil(l)ful

murder тяжкое убийство (убийство, совершенное с заранее обдуманным злым умыслом) by the way между прочим
wil(l)ful намеренный, умышленный, сознательный manslaughter непредумышленное убийство
malice aforethought заранее обдуманный злой умысел Koran Islamic исламистский
in being живущий customary law обычное право
occur случаться amend вносить поправки
injury телесное повреждение Muslim мусульманин
accidental случайный utmost крайний
in the course of в течение gravity тяжесть
cause причинить spontaneously стихийно
premeditation преднамеренность deceased покойник
over and above в добавление к quarrel ссора, перебранка (with, between)

1) What was murder defined as in English tradition? 2) What distinguishes abortion from murder? 3) What have many of the problems of defining murder centred on? 4) What did the old English rule extend this concept to? 5) When did the felony murder rule produce harsh results? 6) Why has English law been in a state of confusion over the precise definition of murder? 7) What is now settled in English law? 8) What may first-degree murder in U.S. jurisdictions require? 9) What is not mentioned in the Koran? 10) What do all systems treat murder as? П) How are most murders committed?

Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) In English tradition, murder was defined as the unwilled killing. 2) Nothing distinguishes abortion from murder. 3) The felony murder rule includes not only unintentional or indeliberate killings but also accidental killings in the course of some other petty crimes. 4) The felony murder rule produces good results when death has been caused accidentally in the course of what was intended to be a serious crime. 5) The felony murder rule states that an intention to kill is necessary and that an intention to cause serious bodily injury is insufficient. 6) English tradition treats murder as a misdemeanour and provides a life sentence. 7) All murders are committed spontaneously and as a result of quarrels or provocation.

Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Murder defined as the willful killing with malice was aforethought of a human creature in being. 2) The death within a year and a day of the occurs injury. 3) The requirement that the victim in being is distinguishes abortion from murder. 4) Murder accidental killings in the course of robbery or includes rape. 5) The death has been accidentally in the course of what was intended to be a minor caused crime. 6) An is intention to kill not necessary. 7) An is intention to cause serious bodily injury sufficient. 8) Murder may proof require of premeditation over and above the normal requirement of intention. 9) Murder are and manslaughter not mentioned in the Koran. 10) Murder is as a crime of the utmost treated gravity. 11) Murder either death penalty or life sentence provides. 12) Murders are spontaneously committed.

Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Малозначительное преступление; заранее обдуманный злой умысел; тяжкое убийство; намеренный; живущий; непредумышленное убийство; случаться; телесное повреждение; случайный; причинить; преднамеренность; обычное право; вносить поправки; крайний; тяжесть; стихийно; покойник; ссора.

Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

1) Murder was defined as... 2)... distinguishes abortion from murder. 3) The problems of defining murder centred on... 4) The precise definition of murder includes not only... but... 5) The felony murder rule produces harsh results when... 6) The precise definition of murder settles that... 7) First-degree murder requires... 8) Murder and manslaughter are not mentioned in... and are subject in... 9) All jurisdictions treat murder as... and provide... 10) Most of murders are committed...

Ex. VI. Choose one topic to speak about murder:

a) its conception in England;

b) its conception in U.S. jurisdictions;

c) its conception in the Koran;

d) its conception in general.

Retell the text “Murder”.


Ex. I. Scan through the text Work in pairs to answer the questions that follow.

Rape. The traditional legal definition of rape is the performance of sexual intercourse by a man other than her husband with a woman against her will, by force or fraud. Most jurisdictions do not treat as rape an act of sexual intercourse by a husband with his wife without her consent, unless the marriage has been terminated by a legally recognized separation. Although many rapes involve the application or threat of violence, it is possible to commit rape by fraud—either by persuading the victim that what is to take place is not sexual intercourse (by representing it as medical treatment, for instance) or by impersonating some other person. In many rape trials the issue is whether the victim consented to the sexual intercourse, and this may lead to distressing cross-examination, in some cases about the woman's previous sexual behaviour, whether with the accused or with other persons. In many jurisdictions cross-examination of the complainant (plaintiff) on such matters is now restricted, and the embarrassment of the complainant is mitigated by provisions restricting publication of the woman's identity. When guilt is established, rape in most systems of criminal law is treated as a grave crime. 95 percent of those convicted of rape in England are sentenced to imprisonment. Many rapists escape conviction for a variety of reasons. The victim may be reluctant to report the incident, possibly because of fears of hostile treatment by investigating authorities or by defense lawyers in court; there are a lot of acquittals of those indicted for rape as a result of the difficulty of proving a crime of which there are rarely any witnesses other than the complainant and the accused. The motivation of rapists is now acknowledged to be a more complex matter than was formerly believed; it is widely accepted that rape is not necessarily the result of sexual desire but is more likely to be motivated by aggression and the desire to humiliate the victim.

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