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VOCABULARY. sexual intercourse половые сношения mitigate смягчать terminate прекращать provisions условия separation

sexual intercourse половые сношения mitigate смягчать
terminate прекращать provisions условия
separation раздельное жительство супругов (по соглашению или решению суда) publication оглашение
impersonate выдавать себя за другое лицо rapists насильники
issue предмет спора convict признавать виновным
distressing внушающий беспокойство conviction осуждение; обвинительный приговор
complainant истец acquittal оправдательный приговор
restrict ограничивать indict предъявлять обвинение
embarrassment смущение    

1) What is the traditional legal definition of rape? 2) What act do most jurisdictions not treat as rape? 3) What do many rapes involve? 4) How is it possible to commit rape by fraud? 5) What is the issue in many rape trials? 6) What may lead to distressing cross-examination? 7) What is now restricted in many jurisdictions? 8) What is the embarrassment of the complainant mitigated by? 9) What is rape treated as in most systems of criminal la\#? 10) Why do many rapists escape conviction? 11) What is the motivation of rapists?

Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) Rape is the performance of sexual intercourse by a man with a woman in accordance with her will. 2) Rape is the crime of forcing someone to have sex, especially by using persuasion. 3) Most jurisdictions treat as rape an act of sexual intercourse by a husband with his wife without her consent. 4) Many rapes don't involve the application of violence. 5) It is impossible to commit rape by fraud. 6) Absence of publication of the woman's identity increases the embarrassment of the complainant. 7) Rape is treated as a petty crime. 8) Rapists are usually sentenced to fines. 9) Many rapists escape punishment. 10) The victim may be wishful to report the incident. 11) The victim is afraid of hostile treatment by close friends. 12) Few acquittals of those indicted for rape. 13) Rape is necessarily the result of sexual desire. 14) A strong hope or wish to make the acquaintance of somebody motivates rape. 15) Rape isn't motivated by the desire to humiliate the victim.

Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Rape the performance of sexual intercourse by a man with a woman against her will is. 2) Rape the crime of forcing someone to have sex, especially by using is violence. 3) Most jurisdictions do not as rape an act of sexual intercourse by a husband with his wife without her treat consent. 4) Many rapes the application or threat of violence involve. 5) It possible to commit rape is by fraud. 6) Rape is as a grave crime treated. 7) Rapists are usually to imprisonment sentenced. 8) Many rapists conviction escape. 9) The victim be reluctant to report the incident may. 10) The victim afraid is of hostile treatment by investigating authorities. 11) There a lot of acquittals of those are indicted for rape. 12) Rape not necessarily the result is of sexual desire. 13) Rape is by aggression motivated. 14) Rape is by the desire to humiliate the motivated victim.

Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into


Избежать наказания; выдавать себя за другое лицо; предмет спора; внушающий беспокойство; истец; ограничивать; смущение; смягчать; условия; оглашение; насильники; признавать виновным; обвинительный приговор; оправдательный приговор; предъявлять обвинение; половые сношения; прекращать; раздельное жительство супругов.

Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

1) The definition of rape is... 2) Most jurisdictions do not treat as rape... 3) Rapes involve... 4) It is possible to commit rape by... 5) The issue of rape trials is... 6) Rape trials lead to... 7) The embarrassment of the complainant is mitigated by... 8) When guilt is established, rape is treated as... 9) Most of those convicted of rape are sentenced to... 10) Many rapists escape... 11) The victim may be reluctant to... because of... 12) Rape trials deal with a lot of acquittals as a result of... 13) The motivation of rapists is...

Ex. VI. Choose one topic to speak about

a) rape and its definition;

b) rape and fraud;

c) rape and rapists;

d) rape and its victims;

e) rape and its motivation.

Retell the text “Rape”.

Unit 7

Ex. I. Scan through the text. Work in pairs to answer the questions that follow.

Incest. The crime of incest consists of sexual intercourse between near relatives. Incest was not a crime under the common law but was punishable historically in the ecclesiastical courts. Legislation prohibiting incest was enacted in England in 1908, and most English-speaking jurisdictions now prohibit intercourse between close relatives. Most systems forbid intercourse between immediate relatives—father and daughter, brother and sister, mother and son. There are some anomalies—English law prohibits intercourse between grandfather and granddaughter but not between grandmother and grandson. Consent to intercourse is irrelevant to the charge of incest, but if there is no consent, the crime of rape may also be committed. Generally, sexual intercourse between family members who are not related by blood—for instance, stepfather and stepdaughter—is not considered incest, but this is prohibited in some jurisdictions. Both parties are considered guilty if incest occurs, but in many systems there is an exemption from liability for women below a certain age (16 in England, 18 in some U.S. jurisdictions). Most cases of incest that come before criminal courts concern sexual intercourse between fathers and relatively young daughters, and it is believed that incest in this form is far more common than the statistics of court cases suggest. Treatment of the offenders in such cases presents acute difficulties to the courts—on the one hand, the offense is widely regarded as serious, involving sexual abuse of children and a breach of the parent's responsibility for the child's welfare; on the other hand, to impose a severe penalty, such as imprisonment, on the father may result in the destruction of the family unit and the infliction of other deprivations on the child victim, in particular feelings of guilt for being responsible for the imprisonment of the father.

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