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Конверсия. Словосложение. Изменение места ударения

Иногда слово может менять свое значение и выполнять новую синтаксическую функцию в предложении, не изменяя при этом написания и произношения (конверсия). Наиболее распространенным является образование глаголов от существительных:

master (хозяин) – to master (управлять)

house (дом) – to house (размещать)

water (вода) – to water (поливать)

Глаголы могут быть образованы и от прилагательных:

empty (пустой) – to empty (опустошать)

white (белый) – to white(n) (белить)

Словосложение – это объединение полнозначных слов или их основ в сложное слово. Вновь образованное сложное слово пишется слитно или через дефис:

airfield – аэродром (air – воздух, field ‑ поле)

air-base – авиабаза (air– воздух, base ‑ база)

airman – авиатор (air – воздух, man – мужчина)

schoolday – школьный день (school – школа, day – день)

birthplace – место рождения (birth – рождение, place – место)

Сложные слова могут состоять из двух существительных, первое из которых приобретает значение прилагательного. В этом случае слова пишутся раздельно. Например: service dress – форменная одежда, одежда для службы (service – служба, dress – платье), shop window – витрина (shop – магазин, window – окно), skim milk – снятое молоко (to skim – снимать (накипь, сливки, и т.д.), milk – молоко).

Exercise 1. Read the following pairs of words observing their stress. Translate them into Russian.  
an áccent – to acсént a cóntest – to contést pérfect – to perféct
a сóntract – to contráct a cónvoy – to convóy a récord – to recórd
a сóntent – to contént a cónvict – to convíct  
Exercise 2. Analyze the following words. Identify their parts of speech. Give their root forms and translate them into Russian.
badly fruitful leader reading teacher  
cooperation fruitless movement rebuild teaching  
dangerous happiness network retell translation  
demoralize high-quality noisy schoolboy unhappy  
disagree icebreaker powerful shorten unusual  
dislike incorrect, profitable strongly    
electricity inventor rainy sunny    
Exercise 3. What kind of words are these? Analyze them, identify their component parts. Translate them into Russian.
All-Union landscape network sometimes vice-president  
bedroom long-term newspaper sportsman well-known  
birthplace lowland north-west television world-wide  
highland multinational peace-loving underground    
Exercise 4. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.
Model: My alarm clock didn’t go off and so I overslept this morning. OVERSLEEP
1. I had been in the country for a year, but I still feel like a __. FOREIGN
2. I have never felt such great __ since the day I won in a lottery. HAPPY
3. He’s only been in the job for one week so he’s a bit __. EXPERIENCE
4. I’ve known him since school days. Our __ is very strong. FRIEND
5. It makes me feel bad to see so many __ people sleeping in the street. HOME
6. It hasn’t rained for months and there’s a great water __. SHORT
7. I don’t like this job. I’m __ and overworked. PAY
8. Smoking can be very __ to your health. DANGER
9. We’ve got all the modern __ in our factory. MACHINE
10. I’m really sorry. I think there has been a __. UNDERSTAND
Exercise 5. Read the texts A and B below. Chose the suitable word given in the box to fill in the blank in the text. Change the form of the words according to the meaning of the text. Remember that each word can be used only once.


simple willing ground encourage

I am sure that any person has the ability to learn a foreign language. But most pupils __ need constant __ in order to overcome their __fears of speaking another language. Even the most outgoing of them are often __ to speak a foreign language in the classroom for fear of making mistakes.


reality employment chose person

A few people decide early in life what to do. There is probably no single “right” job for anybody and the only one that you could do well. Although circumstances limit one’s __, there are still more possibilities than most people __. __ interests, such as love of travel or computers may point the way to a job. But all people are afraid of becoming __ one day.

Exercise 6. A. Look at the HELP box and then, using affixation, conversion and compounding, try to make as many words as you can from blog, mailandprint. Use a dictionary and the Internet to help you.
blog mail print
Blogger (a person who writes a blog) To mail (the verb form) Printout (the pages produced by the printer)
  B. Choose the correct word in brackets to complete this description of a digital voice recorder. Use a dictionary to help you.
HELP box
Word building We can create new words from existing words in three main ways: – Affixation (adding a prefix or suffix) Adding a prefix: volatile¨ non-volatile date ¨ update Adding a suffix: erase ¨ erasable install ¨ installation – Conversion (turning a noun into a verb, or a verb into a noun, etc.) network (noun) ¨to network (verb) We networked the PCs in the office. We created a network of all the PCs in the office. – Compounding (putting two or more words together) hand + held ¨handheld I bought a new handheld computer last -week.   Compounds can be written as two separate words (flash card),as two words joined with a hyphen (solid-state), or as one word (handheld).Unfortunately, there are no rules, and some compounds even change spelling over time. For example, web site began as two words, then became hyphenated (web-site) and is now written as one word – website. Always check your dictionary or Google if you are not sure. In pronunciation, compounds normally have the main stress on the first part, and the secondary stress on the second part, for example video game.


Slim, attractive, and highly functional, the Olympus WS-32GM digital voice recorder packs 1GB of internal flash memory into its 1 (lighted / lightweight / lighten) housing, letting you record up to 277 hours of high-quality audio in WMA format. It’s ideal for 2 (record / recordable / recording) notes or long lectures, interviewing people, or capturing song ideas before they disappear. As an added bonus, the W5-320M can store up to 266 WMA or MPS songs for high-quality stereo 3 (player/ playback/playoff).

The WS-320M features five separate file 4 (folds / folding / folders), capable of holding 199 files each, so you can organize nearly 1,000 files by subject, theme or other category. Users also have the choice of four recording modes: HQ for high-quality audio, LP and SP for extended recording times, and ST HQ for stereo recording. And thanks to the voice 5 (activation/activate/active) option, users don't need to press a single button to start recording - the WS-320M will record as soon as the built-in microphone picks up sound.

Perhaps the most convenient feature, however, is the built-in USB 6 (connector/connect/connected), which eliminates the need for a USB cable. Once this is connected, you can 7 (downloadable/download/ upload) music files, images or documents from your PC, in effect turning the recorder into a small hard drive. You can even transfer voice recordings to your computer for 8 (store/storage/storeroom) or multimedia use.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1270 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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