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Answers using the nouns or adjectives from task 1

Best/worst Your present age At what age is someone old enough to
Your best age … Your worst age … Why? … Main advantages and disadvantages? be able to vote? … be responsible for a crime? … have children?... retire?... Why?  

II. 1. Decide which two factors in the list you think are not important

In the phenomenon of people who look and behave much

younger than their real age (they are called ‘superyoung’).

genes reading/watching TV

love of life/friendships sport

number of children personality

lifestyle diet

blood pressure smoking

travel plastic surgery

2. Do you know anybody who is superyoung? Tell your partner

About them using the words from tasks I and II.

III. Listening

A. Answer the questions in the quiz. (Total English Pre-

Intermediate Unit 5 Recording 4)


How much do you know about it?

1 On average, which nationality lives the longest?

a) the Japanese

b) the Italians

c) the Swedish

2 What was the average lifespan two thousand years ago?

a) twenty-six years

b) thirty-six years

c) forty-six years

3 By 2050, what percentage of the world’s population will be 65 or older?

a) 2%

b) 10%

c) 20%

4 On average, which groups of people live longer?

a) smokers or non-smokers?

b) single people or married people?

c) pet owners or non-pet owners?

b. Listen to the answers. Do any of them surprise you?

IV. Listening

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 605 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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