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There are several different ways of expressing the future. The form you use depend on the situation

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For future plans, use going to I’m going to look for a job. =I’ve already decided, these are my plans
For unplanned decisions, offers, promises use the Future Simple: will/won’t+infinitive I’ll call you tomorrow. =you decide at this moment
For predictions, use either will or going to I think the weather will be/is going to be fine. =it’s my opinion
For future arrangements, use the Present Continuous, especially with go, come, see, meet, leave, have (dinner, etc.). I’m having dinner with Anne tomorrow. =it’s arranged. Going to is also possible
To say what is possiblygoing to happen, use may/might+infinitive Take your umbrella. It may/might rain. =It’s a possibility
To say that smth will be finished in the future, use the Future Perfect: will have+past participle By next month I’ll have done all the work. =the work will be finished This tense is frequently used with the time expressions: -in three weeks’ time -by (Saturday, next year).
To say that an action will be in progress at some time in the future, use the Future Continuous: will be+verb+ing Don’t phone me between 7.00 and 8,00, as we’ll be having dinner then. =it will be in progress at this time

I. Read the dialogues. Choose the right answer (sometimes there are

Two). Explain your choice.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 517 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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