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Their cusps grind the food... a soft mass. 5 страница

a) neither, nor b) either, or c) both, or d) both, and e) as, as

11. Buccal, lingual, mesial and distal surfaces are cleaned by a...

a) rotary motion from tooth to gum b) up and down motion

c) rotary motion from gum to tooth d) left and right motion e) roundabout motion

12. When the mouth is thoroughly rinsed with warm water to expel food debris dislodged by the toothbrush, brushes should...

a) wash and dry b) be washed and dried c) sterilized by alcohol d) be washed afterwards e) put into special sterilizing liquid

13.After brushing the mouth is... to expel food debris dislodged by the toothbrush.

a) thoroughly rinsed with hot water b) thoroughly rinsed with warm water

c) rinsed with sodium bicarbonate solution d) to be rinsed with hot water

e) rinse with warm water

14. Correct and effective tooth-brushing... the way described in the text requires time, knowledge and skill.

a) on b) like c) as d) at e) in

15. The gingival margins are cleaned by a backwards and forwards motion which must... gently to avoid abrasion... the necks of the teeth.

a) to do, within b) be done, of c) to do, of d) have been done, at e) do, in

16. Oral hygiene consists... keeping the teeth free from food debris

a) simply of b) normally from c) just at d) thoroughly e) only of

17. Children and physically handicapped persons are recommended to...

a) used electric toothbrush b) use ordinary toothbrush

c) used ordinary toothbrush d) use electric toothbrush e) not to brush teeth at all

18. Teeth are cleaned rapidly and effectively as most of the movements....

a) is done automatically b) have done automatically

c) to do automatically d) would have been automatically done e) are done automatically

19. Plaque is a....

a) process of destruction of the periodontal tissues

b) film of material composed of masses of bacteria in a sticky glycoprotein matrix which adheres the roots of teeth

c) film of material composed of masses of bacteria in a sticky glycoprotein matrix which protects the surfaces of teeth

d) film of material composed of masses of bacteria in a sticky glycoprotein matrix which adheres the surfaces of teeth

e) acute inflammatory process

20. Each jaw is done....

a) at once b) simultaneously c) separately d) in time e) in turn

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 388 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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