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Exercise 17. Fill in the missing prepositions. Some of prepositions may be used more than once. Translate the sentences

with into of from by on about against during

1. The severity of the disease depends…. the particular viral strain.

2. Toxin released … the blood circulation may produce fever.

3. A secondary infection can be treated … appropriate antibiotics.

4. Patients must be warned … the dangers of secondary infection.

5. WHO informs national health services … outbreaks of viral diseases.

6. In the past, many people died …. smallpox.

7. Children are routinely immunized … poliomyelitis, whooping cough and other diseases.

8. WHO also works to improve health…key stages of life, i.e. pregnancy, childbirth, childhood and adolescence.

9. Precautions must be taken to prevent the spread … infection.

10. Girls should be vaccinated … rubella, if they have never had it.

11. The Constitution of WHO was signed … 194 states.

12. There are six patients suffering … flu.

13. Malaria is transmitted … the bite of a mosquito.

14. A disease can spread to a healthy person through his/her direct contact … the patient.

15. WHO is concerned … international public health.

Exercise 18. Translate into English:

1. Конституція ВООЗ була підписана 61 країною в 1946 році.

2. ВООЗ інформує національні служби охорони здоров’я про спалахи вірусних інфекцій.

3. Штаб-квартира ВООЗ розташована в Женеві.

4. Ціль (пріоритети) ВООЗ включають такізаразні хвороби, такі як ВІЛ/СНІД, малярія, туберкульоз.

5. В останні роки увага змістилася більш на профілактику, ніж на лікування.

6. ВООЗ досягла успіхів в кампанії проти натуральної віспи.

7. ВООЗ також забезпечує служби, необхідні всім країнам, такі як міжнародна стандартизація ліків і вакцин, медичні дослідження, тощо.

8. Асамблея Всесвітньої організації охорони здоров’я зазвичай збирається щорічно у травні.

Завдання для самостійної роботи

студентів (СРС)

  I. Перекладіть та вивчіть наступні словосполучення: спалах інфекційних хвороб вагітність, заразна хвороба хворобливість умови навколишнього середовища усувати причини хвороби епідемічне попередження старіння знищувати безпека продуктів харчування II. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання: 1. How many member-states are there in the WHO? 2. When was the WHO founded? 3. What are the current priorities of the WHO? 4. What is the legislative and supreme body of the WHO? 5. What is the main emphasis of the WHO work? III. Поясніть наступний термін: The WHO  

Exercise 2. Rememberthe pronunciation of the following anatomical terms:

Crown [kraun], apex ['eipeks], enamel [i'næmǝl], dentine ['denti:n], root [ru:t], cementum [si'mentǝm], pulp [рΛ1р], fissure ['fiʃǝ], cusp [kΛsp], jaw [dƷɔ:].

Exercise 3. Define the structure of the compound words and translate them:

a) notebook, birthday, homework, headache, newspaper.

b) writer, lecturer, helper, examiner, teacher, to replace, to remove, to rewrite.

Exercise 4. Form verbs from the following nouns with the help of conversion and translate them:

a house, a group, a place, a head, an end, a form, a line, an act, a pass, a help, a name.

Exercise 5. Translate the following adverbs formed with the help of the suffix -ly:

Quickly, daily, normally, intensely, badly, really, weekly, purely, fully, obliquely

Exercise 6. Match two columns of symptoms and translate them:

appear a. reason

cover b. evident

sensitive c. restore

injury d. take place

visible e. protect

occur f. arise

repair g. painful

cause h. decompose

decay i. damage

Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:


Every tooth consists of a crown, a neck and one or more roots. The crown is the part visible in the mouth and the root is the part hidden inside the jaw. The junction of crown and root is called the neck and the end of the root is called the apex. Every tooth is composed of enamel, dentine, cementum and pulp.

Enamel. This is the outer covering of the crown and is the hardest substance in the body. It is insensitive to pain. Unlike most other body tissues it cannot undergo repair; thus any damage caused by decay or injury is permanent. The microscope shows that it consists of long solid rods, called enamel prisms, cemented together by the interprismatic substance. The prisms run roughly at right angles to the surface.

Cementum. This is the outer covering of the root and is similar in structure to bone. Cementum meets enamel at the neck of the tooth.

Dentine. This occupies the interior of the crown and root, and is very sensitive to pain. Dentine from elephants’ tusks is commonly known as ivory but is exactly the same dentine as that found in human teeth.

Pulp. Unlike enamel, dentine and cementum, the pulp is purely soft tissue. It contains blood vessels and nerves, and occupies the centre of the dentine. Vessels and nerves of the pulp enter the root apex through the apical foramen and pass up the root canal into the crown, where the space occupied by the pulp is called the pulp chamber. The nerves of the pulp are responsible for pain felt when dentine is drilled or toothache occurs. The outermost layer of the pulp, next to the dentine, is lined with the special cells which formed the dentine. Under the microscope fine prolongations of these cells can be seen passing through tubes in the dentine. They run throughout the full thickness of dentine and, by their origin from the pulp, are associated with its repair processes and sensitivity to pain.

Supporting Structures. Every tooth is inserted into the jaw by its root. The part of the jaw containing the teeth is known as the alveolar process1 and is covered with a soft tissue called gum. The jaw bones consist of a dense outer layer known as compact bone2 and a softer interior called spongy bone3.

A tooth is attached to its socket in the jaw by a soft fibrous tissue called the periodontal membrane. It acts as a shock absorber and is attached to the cementum of the root and the compact bone lining the socket. The periodontal membrane contains nerves and blood vessels, but consists mainly of bundles of fibers which pass obliquely from cementum to bone.

1alveolar process — альвеолярний відросток

2compact bone — компактна речовина

3spongy bone — губчаста кістка


Exercise 1. Answer these questions:

17. What does a tooth consist of?

18. How is the junction of crown and root called?

19. What is every tooth composed of?

20. What do you know about enamel?

21. What does enamel consist of?

22. Where does cementum meet enamel?

23. What is cementum?

24. Is dentine sensitive to pain?

25. What does pulp contain?

26. What is the pulp chamber?

27. What supporting structures can you name?

Exercise 2. Find in the text English equivalents for the following word combinations:

бути прихованим; складатися з; нечутливий до болю; кровоносні судини та нервові закінчення; пульпова камера; поряд з дентином; проходити скрізь; діяти як; бути схожим за структурою; бути покритим; таким чином; м’яка тканина; найтвердіша речовина.

Exercise 3. Insert prepositions or adverbs:

17. Every tooth consists... a crown and one or more roots.

18. It is insensitive... pain.

19. Any damage caused... decay or injury is permanent.

20. They are cemented together... the interprismatic substance.

21. The prisms run roughly... right angles... the surface.

22. Cementum is similar... structure to bone.

23. Dentine occupies the interior... the crown and root.

24. Vessels and nerves of the pulp pass... the root canal... the crown.

25. The outermost layer of the pulp is lined... special cells.

26. They run... the full thickness of dentine.

27. A tooth is inserted... the jaw... its root.

28. Any tooth is attached... its socket... the jaw... a soft fibrous tissue called the periodontal membrane.

Exercise4. Ask questions to the underlined words:

1. The root is the part hidden inside the jaw.

2. The microscope shows that it consists of long solid rods.

3. Cementum is similar in structure to bone.

4. Cementum meets enamel at the neck of the tooth.

5. Dentine is very sensitive to pain.

6. The pulp is purely softt issue.

7. The outermost layer of the pulp is lined with the special cells.

8. The alveolar process is covered with gum.

9. Periodontal membrane acts as a shock absorber.

10. It consists mainly of bundles of fibers.

Exercise 5. Write out from the text. Word combinations consisting of two nouns where one is used as an adjective and translate them.

adjectives with the suffixes -ic, -al; adverbs with the suffix -ly;

Exercise 6. Translate into English:

15) Коронка, шийка та корінь складають зуб.

16) Місце переходу коронки в корінь називають шийкою.

17) Емаль – найтвердіша частина людського тіла.

18) Призми, згинаючись, проходять радіально до поверхні коронки.

19) Цемент поєднується з емаллю у шийки зуба.

20) Дентин дуже чутливий до болю.

21) На відміну від інших структур зуба, пульпа – це пухка тканина.

22) Клітини пульпи проходять скрізь усю товщину дентину.

23) Зуб утримується у яснах коренем та періодонтом.

24) Альвеолярний відросток покритий м’якою тканиною, що називається ясна.

25) Періодонтальна мембрана діє як амортизатор.

26)Вона складається з пучків фіброзних волокон.

Exercise 7. Give a summary of the text.



Exercise 1. Additional reading (for home preparation):


A collection of extracted teeth in good condition is a great help in learning anatomy,

Incisors have one root and flattened chisel-shaped crowns. The upper crowns are much wider than their lower counterparts.

The upper lateral incisor crown is smaller than the upper central; out the lower lateral crown is slightly larger than the lower central.

These have large conical crowns and one long root. The upper canine is larger than the lower and has the longest root of the whole dentition.

The upper first premolar has two roots, one buccal and one palatal. The remaining premolars have one root. Each premolar has two cusps, one buccal and one palatal or lingual.

The cusps of upper premolars are much bigger than lowers and are almost equal in size. The lingual cusp of lower premolars is much smaller than the buccal cusp.

Upper molars have three roots, two buccal and one palatal. The buccal roots are mesial and distal. Lower molars have four cusps, two buccal and two palatal. Their crowns are characterized by an oblique ridge which runs from the mesio-palatal cusp to the disto-buccal cusp. Upper first molars often have an extra cusp on their mesio-palatal surface.

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