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Their cusps grind the food... a soft mass. 2 страница

6. Ми можемо спочатку проконсультуватися у хірурга, а потім у стоматолога, чи навпаки.

7. Діти, особливо молодші, схильні до простудних захворювань.

8. ЇЇ хвороба – просто плід уяви.

Exercise 8. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

1. I was not pleased... him.

2. Look... this new book.

3. We are proud... our University.

4. We arrived... the station late.

5. My brother is interested... Anatomy.

6. Divide the apple... three parts.

7. Examination papers are usually written... ink.

8. After his illness, he returned... his work.

9.... the polyclinic you may consult a surgeon.

10. This disease is particularly dangerous... our health.




Exercise 1. Learn the following words:

Anterior [aæn'tiǝriǝ] передній

To be apt to [æpt] бути схильним до

Buccal ['bΛkǝ1] щічний

То be called [kɔ:ld] називатися

Occlusion [ǝ'klu:Ʒn] прикус

To overlap ['ǝuvǝlæp] перекривати
Posterior [pɔs'tiǝriǝ] задній
Width [widѲ] ширина

Exercise 2. Form degrees-of comparison of the following adjectives:

High, interesting, short, good, great, beautiful, bad, large, small, many

Exercise 3. Form nouns with the help of the suffix -th and translate them:

wide, grow, long, warm, deep, true, strong

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:


Teeth may have one, two or even more roots.

Teeth having one root are: central incisors and lateral incisors.

Teeth having two roots are: upper second bicuspids and lower first and second molars. And the teeth having three roots are: upper first molars and lower first molars.

Such teeth as cuspids, first bicuspids and lower second bicuspids have one root. Third molars, both upper and lower are apt to have anywhere from one to eight roots.

Occlusion. The relationship of the upper teeth to the lower when brought together is called occlusion.

Because of the greater width of the upper centrals as compared to the lower centrals, the upper arch is normally larger than the lower one. For this reason, the buccal cuspids of all the upper teeth occlude just posterior to those of the corresponding lower ones; the upper incisors overlap the lowers and the buccal cuspids of the upper posterior teeth also overlap their antagonists in the low jaw.


Exercise 5. Answer the questions:

1.How many roots may teeth have?

2. What teeth have one root?

3.What teeth have two roots?

4. What is called occlusion?

5.Why is the upper arch normally larger than the lower one?

6. What teeth do the upper incisors overlap?

7. Do they also overlap their antagonists in the lower jaw?

Exercise 6. Find the Russian equivalents for each English word:

1. Root a. схильний

2. To overlap b. корень

3. Occlusive c. перекривати

4. Posterior d. боковий

5. Apt e. прикусний

6. Lateral f. задній

Exercise 7. Translate into English:

Задній, верхній, вище, більше, передній, складніше, краще, найкоротший, нижче, раніше, свіжіше.

Exercise 8. Divide the words into 4 columns- nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs:

Central, normally, corresponding, overlap, occlude, occlusion, together, posterior, antagonist, call, buccal, relationship, upper, cuspid, designation

Exercise 9. Say in one word:

5. Either of two bony or cartilaginous structures forming part of the mouth.

6. One of the posterior teeth in mammals, adapted for grinding.

7. Relationship between the maxillary (upper) and mandibular (lower) teeth when they approach each other, as occurs during chewing or at rest.

8. The part of the tooth by which it is attached to the jaw.

9. One of the canine teeth.

Exercise 10. Make up questions to the underlined words:

11) Upper first molars have three roots.

12) Because of the greater width of the upper centrals, the upper arch is larger than the lower one.

13) Teeth may have one, two or more routs.

14) Third molars are apt to have from one to eight routs.

15) Upper posterior teeth overlap their antagonists in the lower jaw.


1. There is a sort of dental shorthand which makes it easy to designate any particular

2. Crown b) root c) tooth d) jaw e) tongue

2. The mouth is divided into quadrants: …

a)upper left and right and lower left b)upper left and right and lower left and right

c) upper left and lower left d) upper right and lower right

e) upper right and lower left and right

3. Permanent teeth are designated by …

9) Arabic numerals b) Indian numerals c) Ukrainian numerals

d) Russian numerals e) Chinese numerals

4. The letter "A" would represent the central …

1. Molar b) premolar c) incisor d) canine e) wisdom tooth

5. The letter … would represent the cuspid.

1. A b) B c) С d) D e) E

6. Teeth may have …

a) one, two or three roots b)two, three or even more roots

c) three, four or five roots d) one, two or even more roots e)only one root

7. The teeth having three roots are: …

21. upper 1st molars and lower 1st molars b) lower 2nd molars and upper 2nd premolars

c) lower 2nd molars and upper 2nd molars d) upper 1st molars and lower 1st premolars

e) upper first premolars and lower second molars

8. The relationship … the upper teeth … the lower when brought together is called occlusion.

a) in … of b) of … to c) of … for d) for …of e) in … to

9. Because of the greater width of the upper centrals as … to the lower centrals, the upper arch is normally larger than the lower one.

a) are compared b) compared c) compare d) compares e) comparing

10. The upper incisors overlap the lowers and the buccal cuspids of the upper … teeth also overlap their antagonists in the low jaw.

a)Posterior b) anterior c) middle d) lower e) upper




Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation and memorize the words:

Decay [di'kei], premature ['premətʃə], promote [prə'məut], ancient ['einʃənt], appearance [e'piərəns].

Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary. Read the words and word combinations:

Decay руйнування

Premature tooth loss передчасна втрата зубів

Bow drill лучковий бур

Bead craftsman бусинковий ремісник

Tooth worm зубний черв’як

Promote підтримувати, сприяти

Ancient давній, античний

Exercise 3. Read and translate the following word combinations:

Tooth decay, as far back as, tooth related disorders, to cure diseases, reconstruction, an evidence of the belief, ancient chronicles, periodontal diseases, ancients civilization.

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences paying attention to the use of Tenses and make questions to the underlined words:

1. The X-ray examinatio n has already revealed the inflammation in the 3d left lower molar.

2. The duration of the surgery depends on the severity of the disease.

3. About 740 million people in the world have caries.

4. The Etruscans designed false teeth out of ivory and bone that were inserted into the mouth by gold bridge.

5. The first local anesthetic used in dentistry was Cocaine, introduced as an anesthetic by Carl Koller (1857-1944) in 1884.

6. Alfred Einkorn was researching an easy-to-use and safe local anesthesia to use on soldiers during wartime.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:


Dental diseases have remained remarkably similar throughout history. Decay, toothaches, periodontal disease and premature tooth loss were documented in ancient chronicles. The exact time that dental art made its appearance isn't known; however, there is a proof of its existence among the civilizations of Egypt, Etruscans of Central Italy, Assyrians, China, etc.

The Indus Valley Civilization in Pakistan has evidence of dentistry being practiced as far back as 7000 BC. This earliest form of dentistry involved curing tooth related disorders with bow drills operated, perhaps, by skilled bead craftsmen. The reconstruction of this ancient form of dentistry showed that the methods used were reliable and effective.

A Sumerian text from 5000 BC describes a "tooth worm" as the cause of dental caries. Evidence of this belief has also been found in ancient India, Egypt, Japan, and China. The legend of the worm is also found in the writings of Homer, and as late as the 1300s AD the surgeon Guy de Chauliac still promoted the belief that worms cause tooth decay.


Exercise 6. Make up 5 special questions to the text and answer them.

Exercise 7. Approve or contradict the following:

8. Dental diseases have changed a lot since ancient times.

9. There is an evidence of dental practice dated back up to 1000 BC.

10. The earliest form of dentistry included tooth filling, caries curing, treatment of periodontal diseases and so on.

11. An Egyptian text from 5000 BC describes a "tooth worm" as the cause of dental caries.

12. The ancient form of dentistry showed that the methods used were reliable and effective.

13. In the 1300s BC the surgeon Guy de Chauliac still promoted the belief that worms cause tooth decay.

Exercise 8. Insert preposition where necessary:

9. It was about a "tooth worm" … the cause … dental caries in the text from 5000 BC.

10. Pictures … a drill are found … many tomb paintings of ancient Egypt.

11. The Papyrus Ebers, found … Egypt, contained eleven remedies that related directly … problems with the teeth.

12. Some of the most amazing discoveries turned out to be similar … modern day orthodontics and periodontics.

13. The molars were bound together … gold wire.

14. Sometimes when skeletons are unearthed that have been in the ground … 2000 years and they have some teeth, the teeth usually look … very good condition.

Exercise 9. Translate sentences into English:

9. Стародавні рецепти для зубної пасти мали такі інгредієнти, як кістки, пемзу, хоча немає ніяких згадок про зубну щітку.

10. Греки використовували м'яту, яка є інгредієнтом зубної пасти для нас й сьогодні.

11. Дослідження мумій показало, що багато єгиптян страждали карієсом і поразками ясен.

12. Етруски, які приблизно в той же час населяли Центральну Італію, стали першими в зубному протезуванні.

13. Першим спеціалізованим стоматологічним інструментом були щипці для екстракції зубів.

Exercise 10. Render the text in 5 sentences.



Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation and memorize the words:

Forceps ['fɔ:seps], appliance [ə'plaiəns], pulpitis [pəl'paitis], edentulism [i'dentʃϳulizm], pericementitis ['peri'sementaitis], barbers ['bɑ:bə].

Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary. Read the words and word combinations:

Extraction видалення

Forceps щипці

Consumption вживання

Bridges міст

Gift дар

Pulpitis пульпіт

Pulp chamber пульпова камера

Pericementitis періодонтіт

Centrals центральні зуби

Cuspids ікли (зуби)

Molars корінні зуби

Barbers перукар, цирульник

Edentulism беззубість

Dental appliances стоматологічний інструмент

Restorative dentistry терапевтична стоматологія

Resemble pelican beak нагадувати дзьоб пелікана

Exercise 3. Express in one word:

Pulpitis a dental plate containing one or more artificial teeth that are secured to the surrounding natural teeth
Drill a tooth having one point
Bridge any of the teeth at the back of the jaw used for crushing and chewing food
Cuspid rotating tool that in inserted into drill machine
Molar inflammation of the pulp

Exercise 4. Open the brackets, putting the verbs in brackets into the correct form and translate the sentences:

9. I (to suffer) never from such a horrible headache.

10. Your rapid recovery (to depend) on properly administered treatment.

11. Last night she (to have) an attack of acute pain in the left lower molar.

12. The blood (to drop) slowly from the wound.

13. Dentists (to achieve) much progress in treating periodontal diseases in recent years.

14. The earliest types of dentistry (to include) treatment of dental diseases mostly by tooth extraction.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:


The first known dentist was an Egyptian named Hesi-Re (3000 B.C.). He was the chief toothist to the Pharaohs. He was also a physician, indicating an association between medicine and dentistry. At about the same time there was also the first evidence of a surgical operation in Egypt.

Though the contribution of the Greeks was mostly on the medical side, the ancient Greek physicians, such as Hippocrates, Aristotle wrote about dentistry, advised cleaning of teeth, described extraction forceps, stated that consumption of sweets produce decay.

The first use of dental appliances or bridges comes from the Etruscans from as early as 700 BC. The Romans were not especially gifted in their dental art. They borrowed their medicine from the Greeks and restorative dentistry from the Etruscans.

But there were several physicians who made a great contribution into the dentistry.

Archigenus recognized pulpitis, invented the dental drill to open into pulp chamber.

Galen was the first to recognize that a toothache could be pulpitis and pericementitis. He classified teeth into centrals, cuspids and molars.

At the onset of the Middle Ages, barbers became physicians and dentists. Their practice was limited to extracting teeth which relieved pain and chronic tooth infection.

In the 14th century, French surgeon Guy de Chauliac was first to coin the term dentator and dentists. The English term dentist came from his original terms.

He also invented the dental pelican (resembling a pelican's beak) which was used up until the late 18th century.

Before restorative dental care was popular (or possible), the only treatment for dental pain was extraction of the teeth, resulting in partial or complete edentulism. Unfortunately in those times there were no materials or techniques for making good dentures. But in 1400 Giovanni de Arcoli was the first to fill teeth with gold.

In 17th century French physician Pierre Fauchard started dentistry science as we know it today, and he has been named "the father of modern dentistry".


Exercise 6. Find English equivalents to the following word combinations and make 5 sentences of your own:

Терапевтична стоматологія, приводити до часткової беззубісті, хронічна зубна інфекція, великий внесок, вживання солодощів, Середньовіччя, наявність, руйнування зубів.

Exercise 7. Skim the text and look for the answers to the following questions:

III. Who was Hesi-Re?

IV. What is Greeks contribution into the dentistry?

V. What were the Etruscans famous for?

VI. What famous Roman dentists do you know?

VII. Who invented dental drill?

VIII. What was Galen’s discoveries?

IX. Who coined the term “dentist”?

X. What did the treatment of teeth usually result in?

XI. What was Giovanni de Arcoli’s invention?

Exercise 8. Choose the proper continuation of the following sentences:

1. The first known dentist was …

2. … wrote about dentistry, advised cleaning of teeth and extractions, described extraction forceps and so on.

3. The first dental appliances were used by …

4. Galen classified teeth into …

5. Archigenus invented …

6. … invented the dental pelican.

7. In ancient times the only treatment for dental pain was …

8. Pierre Fauchard has been named …

Exercise 9. Translate sentences into English:

1. Стародавні римляни запозичили деякі вміння етруських дантистів, проте нічого особливого до них не додали.

2. Римський лікар Архиген вперше описав ознаки пульпіту і винайшов особливе свердло, котре він використовував для проникнення в зубну порожнину.

3. Відомий французький хірург 14 сторіччя Гі де Шоліак ввів термін "дантист”, удосконалив зуболікарські щипці та став пломбувати зуби золотом.

4. Проте аж до 17 століття зуболікування зводилося переважно до видалення хворих зубів, яким найчастіше займалися не медики, а цирульники.

5. Як медична спеціальність, стоматологія зародилася в Європі лише на межі 17 і 18 сторіч.

Exercise 10. Give summary of the text.


1. The exact time of dentistry appearance is …

a) about 2000 year b) unknown c)aproximally 700 years d)not defined e) 500 years

2. … recognized pulpitis, invented the dental drill to open into pulp chamber.

a) Hesi-Re b) Giovanni de Arcoli c) Archigenus d) Galen e) Aristotle

3. The first evidence of dentistry being practiced as far back as 7000 BC was found in …

a) Egypt b) Pakistan c) China d) Greece e) Roman Empire

4. The first use of dental appliances or bridges comes from … from as early as 700 BC.

a) the Greeks b) the Romans c) the Etruscans d) the Egyptians e)the Japanese

5. … invented the dental pelican which was used up until the late 18th century.

a) Giovanni de Arcoli b) Archigenus c)Guy de Chauliac d) Pierre Fauchard e)Galen

6. The legend of the worm …in the writings of Homer.

a) founds b) is found c) founded d) was founded e) was found

7. The only treatment … dental pain was extraction … the teeth, resulting … partial or complete edentulism.

a) of…by …of b) for…on …for c) in... in…in d)with…from…by e)from…of… from

8. At … barbers became physicians and dentists.

a)ancient times b)medieval times c)nowadays d)prehistoric times e)Roman Empire times

9. Pierre Fauchard … "the father of modern dentistry".

a) was named b) has been named c) is named d) names e) named

10 The Romans borrowed their medicine from … and restorative dentistry from …

a) the Greeks b) the Romans c) the Etruscans d) the Egyptians e)the Japanese




Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:

Experience [ikspiəriəns], to ignore [ignɔ:], to alleviate [əli:'vieit], Etruscan [itrʌskən], perceive [pɜ:siv], ancient [einʃənt], Egyptian [idʒipʃən], efficient [ifiʃənt], numbing[nʌmiŋ], recline [ri'klain], advancement [advan:smənt], nightmare [naitmɜə], evolve [ivolv].

Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

To ignore ігнорувати

no wonder недивно

BCE (Before Common Era) до нашої ери

the dread жах, страх

dating back to брати початок

crude сирий, грубий

to go back to повертатися в

the Etruscan етруск

CE – Сommon Era наша ера

To refer to посилатися на

a fully- reclining chaiстілець з повністю відкидною спинкою

advancement успіх, прогрес, просування

to be preoccupied with бути заклопотаним

Exercise 3. Approve or contradict the following:

1. A Crown is the part of a tooth normally not visible in the mouth and usually covered by cementum.

2. A Bridge is a removable replacement for erupting teeth.

3. A Tooth is one of the soft structures in the throat used for cutting and chewing food.

4. Phobia is a physiologically strong fear of a particular event or thing.

5. Anesthetics is an agent the increases or abolishes sensation, affecting either the whole body or a particular area or region.

Exercise 4. Translate the following word combinations into Ukrainian. Make up the sentences of your own:

To simply ignore a toothache; no wonder; in 1550 BCE; by the 1900s; a fully-reclining dental chair; the dread of going to; modern advancements; to be preoccupied with; texts dating back to; crude methods for tooth extraction; go back to the Etruscans; in 200 CE.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:


As you may know from experience, it's hard to simply ignore a toothache. The health of our teeth can greatly affect our ability to eat and speak, so it's no wonder that humans have always been preoccupied with their teeth. In fact, Egyptian texts dating back to 1550 BCE refer to diseases of the teeth and various remedies used to alleviate them.

The Classic Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote about eruption patterns of teeth, crude methods for tooth extraction and stabilizing loose or decayed teeth. Even dental techniques perceived as modern, such as crowns and bridges, go back to the Etruscans of 200 CE.

In the field of dentistry, we have definitely come a long way from the tree branch toothbrushes ancient Egyptians used to clean their teeth.

The evolution of dental care and the development of advanced methods for treating teeth has brought about many technologies, all aimed at making a visit to the dentist as painless and efficient as possible.

By the 1900s, tube toothpaste became the norm. Novocain, a local anesthetic, was introduced in 1905, numbing people’s dental phobias as well as their nerves. In 1938, the first nylon toothbrush hit the market, and by 1958, patients could rest easy in the first fully-reclining dental chair.

Despite these modern advancements in dental hygiene, a toothache is still associated with the dread of going to the dentist and nightmares of drills, forceps and root canals. However, as we have obtained a greater understanding of the physiology of teeth, dental technologies have evolved and made dentistry less painful and uncomfortable.


Exercise 6. Translate the following words into English. Make up your own sentences:

Ігнорувати зубний біль; здатність їсти та розмовляти; полегшувати зубний біль; вживати ліки, щоб; грубі методи видалення зубів; розвиток (еволюція) догляду за зубами; досконалі методи лікування зубів; зручно відпочивати; сучасні успіхи в стоматології; жахатися дантистів; страхіття від свердління; менш болісний та незручний.

Exercise 7. Skim the text and look for the answers to the following questions:

1. What are the main modern advancements in dental hygiene?

2. When were references to dental diseases mentioned first?

3. Who was the first to write about eruption patterns of the teeth?

4. Where do the dental techniques perceived as modern, such as crowns and bridges go back to?

5. Who was the first to brush the teeth?

6. When did a tube of toothpaste become the norm?

7. What was introduced in 1905?

8. When could the patients rest easy in the first fully-reclining dental chair?

Exercise 8. Make up the sentences from the given words:

1. It’s, simply, a, toothache, hard, ignore, to.

2. of, teeth, ability, to, our, eat, and, speak, our, health, affects, The.

3. loose, The, teeth, Aristotle, about, crude, philosopher, methods, stabilizing, Greek, or, decayed, wrote,Classic, for.

4. reating, The, of, dental,and, development, of,care, methods, for, teeth, evolution, has, brought, advanced, about, many, technologies, the.

5. toothpaste, the, 1900s, tube, the, norm, By, became.

6. Novocain, people’s, numbs, phobias, as well as, their, dental, nerves.

7. A, is, still, dentist, with, the, dread, of, associated, going, to, toothache, the.

8. possible, aimed, All, for, teeth, advanced, are, at, making, a, methods, visit, to, the, dentist, as, painless, and,efficient,treating, as.

Exercise 9. Make the sentences interrogative and negative:

1. Humans have always been preoccupied with their teeth.

2. We have definitely come a long way from the tree branch toothbrushes ancient 3. Egyptians used to clean their teeth.

4. The evolution of dental care and the development of advanced methods for treating teeth has brought about many technologies.

5. The health of our teeth can greatly affect our ability to eat and speak.

6. The Classic Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote about eruption patterns of teeth.

7. A toothache is still associated with the dread of going to the dentist and nightmares of drills, forceps and root canals.

8. Patients could rest easy in the first fully-reclining dental chair.

9. By the 1900s, tube toothpaste became the norm.

Exercise 10. Tell in detail about The Evolution of Dental Technologies.



Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:

Whizzing [wiziŋ], replicate [replikeit], capture[kæptʃə],exposure[ikspəυʃə], conventional [kənvenʃənlə], obsolete [obsəli:t], unsurpassed [ʌnsɜ:pa:sd], precision [pri'siʃən], virtually [vɜ:tjuəli], ultimate [ʌltimit].

Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

Digital цифровий to ease полегшувати option вибір to postpone відкладати shrill різкий to induce спонукати benefit користь to replicate копіювати conventional звичайний obsolete застарілий suture-free без шва to capture захоплювати (рос. улавливать)

Exercise 3. Translate the following word combinations into Ukrainian:

Modern dental technologies; bone replacement; air abrasion; digital x-rays; dental lasers; sedation dentistry; painful procedures; the variety and availability of dental technology; dental appointments; the dreaded whizzing noises; hard-to-reach places; composite dental materials; natural-looking results; a computer screen; unsurpassed precision in the treatment; a virtually suture-free operation; painless healing; the ultimate dental technology; complex procedures; to numb the CNS.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:


Modern dental technologies such as air abrasion, bone replacement, digital x-rays, dental lasers and sedation dentistry have greatly changed our experience of going to the dentist. Instead of painful procedures and *hit-or-miss methods, the availability of digital x-rays and dental lasers makes dental care more cost-effective and precise.

For those who experience extreme fear and dread over visits to the dentist, sedation dentistry, in which a patient is given relaxing sedatives to ease tensions and pain, provides a modern option for care. The variety and availability of dental technology has made it so that you no longer have a good excuse for postponing your dental appointments.

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