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Their cusps grind the food... a soft mass. 3 страница

Air abrasion is a dental technology that is an alternative to the drill, without the dreaded whizzing noises. Treating small cavities, removing hardened plaque and cleaning hard-to-reach places (such as the surface area between teeth) are all jobs performed through air abrasion.

Bone replacement is a dental technology that can be used to help people suffering from bone loss or those requiring tooth extractions. Most commonly, bone is taken from another part of the body and is used for its platelet-rich growth factors, which can induce bone tissue to grow and help heal teeth with low bone density.

Mouth cancer patients who need to replace parts of their mouth that have been removed are one group of people who benefit from bone replacement.

Composite dental materials can be used to fill cavities, as well as to rebuild and restore teeth in natural ways. These materials are continually being improved to replicate tooth color more precisely and to hold their shape better.

Computer technology and dentistry have come together in the digital x-ray, a piece of dental technology that captures dental images through sensors and transmits the data to a computer screen for analysis. Digital x-rays greatly reduce patients' radiation exposure and are easier to use on the patient than conventional x-ray methods.

Dental lasers offer unsurpassed precision in the treatment of tumors, cold sores, decay removal and dental fillings. Using concentrated light energy to operate on a variety of conditions, dental lasers offer reduced discomfort during surgery and a virtually suture-free operation. Nearly painless healing is another benefit of using dental lasers.

Sedation dentistry is the ultimate dental technology because it allows patients to undergo dental work without anxiety, pain or discomfort.

Sedation dentistry uses anesthesia to numb the central nervous system, producing a relaxed sensation that makes the patient feel sleepy and aids the dentist’s work in complex procedures.

*Hit-or-miss – випадковий, зроблений аби як, неточний; навмання (рос. как попало, кое-как, беспорядочно, бессистемно, наугад, наудачу, наобум).


Exercise 5. Translate the following word combinations into English. Make up the sentences of your own:

Методи лікування навмання; спричиняти оніміння; розслаблене відчуття; заколисливий, що наганяє сон; тривога, неспокій, турбота; неперевершена чіткість, точність; пропасниця (рос. лихорадка) на губах; чутливі елементі; передавати данні; піддавання радіації (випромінюванню); цифрове рентгенівське проміння; копіювати колір зубів; жахливий шум дзижчання; мати користь; фактори швидкого росту тромбоцитів.

Exercise 6. Skim the text and look for the answers to the following questions:

1. What are the main modern dental technologies?

2. What technologies make dental care more cost-effective and precise?

3. What provides a modern option for care for those who experience extreme fear and dread over visits to the dentist?

4. What are all jobs performed through air abrasion?

5. What is a bone replacement?

6. What for can composite dental materials be used?

7. What are the advantages of the Digital x-rays?

8. Where Dental lasers may be used?

9. What is another benefit of using dental lasers?

10. Why is sedation dentistry considered to be the ultimate dental technology?

Exercise 7. Complete the following sentences using the text:

1. Modern dental technologies such as air abrasion, bone replacement, digital x-rays, dental lasers and sedation dentistry have greatly changed our experience …

2. Instead of…. and *hit-or-miss methods, the availability of digital x-rays and dental lasers makes dental care more cost-effective and precise.

3. … are all jobs performed through air abrasion.

4. … is a dental technology that can be used to help people suffering from bone loss or those requiring tooth extractions.

5. Composite dental materials can be used to … teeth in natural ways.

6. Digital x-rays are easier to use on the patient than …

7. Nearly… is another benefit of using dental lasers.

8. Sedation dentistry uses anesthesia to numb the …

Exercise 8. Insert the prepositions and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1.Prior …a dental examination, a patient should provide an updated medical and dental history… the dentist.

2.The shrill, distinctive sound … the traditional dental drill is what many people recall when feeling fearful of a trip… the dentist.

3.The advancements … materials engineering has made the use … composite dental materials widely available.

4.After an examination, patients may be advised … the proper method … brushing and flossing their teeth.

5.Producing natural-looking results while closing off cavities … further decay is the goal … using composite dental materials.

6.Certain treatments may be recommended, depending … the findings … the examination.

7.… addition, they make the need … processing times and photo labs obsolete, reducing the cost to the patient and allowing for multiple digital x-rays to be taken … added costs.

8.Some treatments (fillings, crowns) may be performed … the dentist, while others (root canals, braces) may require a visit … a specialist (endodontist, orthodontist).

Exercise 9. Make up the questions to the underlined words:

7. Patients who perform proper dental hygiene at home still benefit from dental examinations.

8. Dental experts recommend that people visit their dentist for an examination and cleaning twice a year.

9. Patients may also wish to speak to their dentist about any fear, anxiety or special concerns (e.g., a sensitive gag reflex).

10. The use of fluoride may also be encouraged.

11. A comprehensive examination is likely to be done during an initial visit to a dentist, or upon changing dentists.

12. To maintain a sterile environment, dentists and their assistants don gloves and masks.

13. The dentist feels the lymph nodes on the face and neck, and checks the entire oral cavity—including the hard and soft palates, tongue, cheeks, lips, and floor of the mouth—for irregularities.

14. The deeper the pocket, the greater the chance for tooth loss, unless treatment is begun.

Exercise 10. Tell in detail about the main Modern dental technologies.


1. It's to … simply ignore a toothache

1. Easy b) hard c) often d) slowly e) quickly

2. The health of our … can greatly affect our ability to eat and speak

1. Mouth b) nose c) eyes d) teeth e) ears

3. … texts dating back to 1550 BCE refer to diseases of the teeth and various remedies used to alleviate them.

1. Ukrainian b) Russian c) Polish d) Egyptian e) Chinese

4. The Classic Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote about eruption patterns of teeth.

1. Aristotle b) Platon c) Socrate d) Pierre Fauchard e) Galen

5. We have definitely come a long way from the tree branch … ancient Egyptians used to clean their teeth.

1. detergent food b) rinse c) toothbrushes d) brushers e) toothpaste

6. In …, the first nylon toothbrush hit the market.

1. 1893 b) 1983 c) 1938 d) 1838 e) 1883

7. … is a dental technology that is an alternative to the drill

7. Bone replacement b) Air abrasion

8. Composite Dental Materials d) Digital X-Rays e) Dental Lasers

8. Mouth cancer patients who need to replace parts of their mouth that have been removed are one group of people who benefit from bone replacement.

9. has been removed b) have been removed

9. has been remove d) have been remove e) has been removes

9. Composite dental materials … used to fill cavities.

10. can’t be b) have to c) can d) haven’t to e) able to

10. Sedation dentistry is the ultimate dental technology because it allows patients to undergo dental work … anxiety, pain or discomfort.

11. By b) with c) without d) over e)above


I. Remember:

За допомогою суфіксів -ary(-ery, -ory) [әri] утворюються іменники та прикметники: surgery ['sәd3әri] — хірургія; necessary [ `nesәsәri] —необхідний.

Exercise 1. Read and translate:

dispensary, primary, secondary, alimentary.

1) Read and translate the medical terms.

aetiology [i:ti'olod3i] polyclinic [polik`linik] anodyne [` ænoudain] procedure [pro`si:d3ә] denture [`dent∫ә ] restorative [res'toretiv] palpation [pæl`pei∫n] test [test] pathogenesis [.pæθo`d3enisis] visual [`vizjuәl]

2) Read, translate and learn the following words and word combinations.

bite [bait] fit [fit] dental surgery [`sә:d3әri] history taking, determine [di`tә:min] perform [pә'fo:m] discover [dis`kΛvә] reveal [ri' vi:l] fear [fiә] sensation [sen`sei∫n]

Exercise 2. Insert the necessary words given below: (dental surgeries, diagnosis, painful, to be used, to be set, kinds of dental work, comfortable, caries, techniques).

1. A stomatological polyclinic is well-planned and....

2. In any polyclinic there are some....

3. The specialists of the polyclin­ic perform all....

4. First of all it is necessary to make a correct....

5. Different procedure... to establish a diagnosis.

6. Tooth treatment is sometimes a very... procedure.

7. With an early stage cavity the tooth is usually... right without any pain.

8. Dentists are investigating new... of dental treatment.

9. The causes of... are very difficult to be determined.

Exercise 3. Topic vocabulary:

to perform – проводити fit - приладжування

to restorе – відновляти palpation – пальпація

to render an aid – надавати допомогу

modern conveniences – сучасні зручності

electropathic room – фізіотерапевтичний кабінет

Exercise 4. Read the text and divide it into logical parts.

Dental aid is usually rendered at stomatological polyclinics. As a rule a stomatological polyclinic is well-planned and com­fortable. It has all modern conveniences. There are many dental surgeries, a laboratory, an X-ray room, an electropathic room and other rooms here. Many specialists work here. They perform all kinds of dental work: the treatment of diseases of the dental pulp, extractions and laboratory tests, correcting the bite, the treatment of gum diseases, the design and fit of bridgework and dentures to replace missing teeth, all kinds of restorative work. Before the treatment of a disease it is necessary to make a diagnosis, determine its aetiology, patho­genesis as well as the symptoms by which it can be revealed.

A number of different procedures are used to make a diagnosis: history taking, physical examination, which includes visual examination, palpation, laboratory studies, instrumental studies, for example, X-ray examination and others.

Dental treatment is at times a very painful procedure. If a cavity is discovered at an early stage, the tooth can be set right without any pain. Only when it is neglected the patient has some unpleasant sensations. Dentists try to do something about this. They envolve new methods of dental treatment and new anodynes. Soon people will forget everything about their fears.

Exercise 1. Find in the text English equivalents for these words and word


1. як правило 2. усі сучасні зручності З. рентген-лабораторія 4. виправлення прикусу 5. відсутні зуби 6. мости та зубні протези 7. поставити діагноз 8. низка процедур 9. анамнез 10. без болю 11. неприємний 12. анестетик. 13. забувати

Exercise 2. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word com­binations are used in the text.

to be rendered, an electropathic room, gum diseases, instru mental study, at times, to be discovered, to be neglected, to do something about, soon.

Exercise 3. Read the text, translate it using a dictionary. Describe the dental surgery in short.


If it is necessary the dentists treat the patients at dental surgeries. A modern dental surgery is a large and light hall. One can see some uni­versal equipment here to fulfill the needs of the dentist. First of all there are units including engines with arm-chairs for the patients. These are quite modern easy-to-use dental unit sys­tems. The patients can sit or lie in the arm-chair. There are also small chairs for the dentists, they are movable and comfortable. There is an instrument table or an instrument holder near every arm-chair. It can be easily moved to be at the dentist's dispos­al. You can see some instruments on it. Usually there is a tray with a set of instruments such as: an explorer, a mixing pad, a pincett, a dental mirror, a probe and some others.

There are also instrument cupboards with many instruments in them. We can see temporary filling materials, composites, cements, glass-ionomers, bonding systems for restoration work; reamers, files, paper and guttapercha points, seals for endodontics; splints, trays, matrixes, impression materials for orthopaedic work; dental cotton rolls, rubber dam, prophy paste, saliva ejector for hygienic purposes. Hygiene is very important in the work of a dentist, that's why all the instruments are careful­ly cleaned or disinfected.

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions.

1. Where is dental aid usually rendered?

2. What does any den­tal clinic have?

3. What kinds of dental work do dentists per­form?

4. When is it necessary to make a diagnosis?

5. What pro­cedures are used to establish a diagnosis?

6. Is dental treat­ment always painful?

7. When does a patient have unpleasant sensations?

8. Do dentists do anything about it?

9. Why do they use new anodynes?

10. What will people forget about soon?

Exercise 5. Insert articles where necessary. Translate the sentences.

1.... stomatological polyclinics are well-planned and comfort­able. 2. Any polyclinic has... dental surgeries,... laboratory,... X-room,... electropathic room and others. 3.... treatment of diseases of... dental pulp is very important. 4. Before the treat­ment one must make... diagnosis. 5.... number of different pro­cedures are necessary for making... diagnosis of caries. 6. If a cavity is treated at... early stage it can be painless. 7. Unpleasant sensations are connected with... neglected tooth disorder. 8. Preventing tooth decay is... very difficult problem.

Exercise 6. Using the following words make up sentences.

different, many, to help, procedures, to make, a, diagnosis, correct.

polyclinic, the, of, dentists, the, kinds, perform, all, of, work, dental.

treatment, to be, tooth, a, procedure, sometimes, very, painful.

try, treat, to, dentists, any, without, pain, new, using, ano­dynes,

the, patients.

Exercise 7. Make up 10 questions to the text “At the Dental Surgery” and answer them.


12) Dental aid … usually … at the stomatological polyclinics.

a. has rendered b. will be rendered

c. is rendered d. is rendering

e. renders

13) Different procedures … to make a correct diagnosis.

a. have been used b. are used

c. are using d. to be used

e. used

14) The causes of some diseases are very difficult ….

a. are to be determined b. are determined

c. to determine d. to be determining

e. to be determined

15) Dental treatment is at times a very…

a. painful procedure b. early procedure

c. painless d. neglected

e. modern

16) Before the treatment … a disease it’s necessary to make a diagnosis.

a.in b. on c. –

d. by e. of

17) Dentists try to do something … unpleasant sensation.

a. by b. on c. of

d. about e. without

18) If a cavity is treated … an early stage it can be painless.

a. in b. at c. on

d. after e. before

19) Do dentists …anything about unpleasant sensation?

a. did b. have done c. do

d. has been doing e. done

9. When …it necessary to make a correct diagnosis?

a. did b. does c. has

d. are e. is

10. Where … a person get dental aid?

a. can b. may c. has to

d. is to e. might




Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:

hygiene , entail , plaque remnant ['remnant], inconvenient ,substitute [sΛbstitju:t], method , detergent , alternative ,additional .

Exercise 2. Learn the following words:

Measure ['me ə] засіб

Remnant ['remnant] залишки

Debris ['debri] відкладення, наліт

Occasion [ə'kei n] випадок

Plain [plein] простий

Raw [ ] свіжий, сирий

Rinse [rins] ополіскування

Firm [fə:m] твердий

Substitute [sΛbstitju:t] замінник

Tough [tΛf] жорсткий

Exercise 3. Find the equivalent:

Exercise 4. Give Russian equivalent to the following word combinations:

Dental disorders, elimination of food stagnation, bacterial irritation, dental health education, resistance of teeth to disease, detergent food, by virtue of…, tough fibrous consistency, to scour the teeth clean of food remnants, a plain water mouth rinse, food particles, a satisfactory alternative to brushing, an additional measure.

Exercise 5. Translate into Ukrainian using Active or Passive voice:

Every tooth (to insert) into the jaw by its root.

Dentine (to occupy) the interior of the crown and root, and is very sensitive to pain.

Because the important tooth comes through at such an early date and (not to replace) a temporary tooth, it (to overlook) and (to permit) to decay.

The duct from the parotid gland (to pass forward) through the check to open into the buccal sulcus.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:


Most dental disorders arise from two basic diseases of the teeth
and their supporting tissues — caries and periodontal disease. Prevention of dental
disease therefore entails elimination of food stagnation, as this is the primary cause
of caries and periodontal disease. Food stagnation causes plaque formation; which leads to acid production, in the case of caries; and to bacterial irritation and
calculus in periodontal disease. The methods of prevention are oral hygiene; preventive dentistry; dental health education and increasing the resistance of teeth to disease.

Oral hygiene consists simply of keeping the teeth free from food debris,2 thus preventing plaque formation which leads to dental disease. It can be achieved by cleaning the teeth regularly after meals and not eating between meals. Cleaning is best performed by brushing as this is the only way3 of removing plaque. If brushing is not possible, food debris can be removed by finishing the meal with a detergent food (raw, firm, fibrous fruits or vegetables, e.g. apples, pears, carrots, celery, etc.) By virtue of their tough fibrous consistency they require much chewing and thereby scour the teeth clean of food remnants. It may be inconvenient to brush the teeth or eat an apple after meals when you are not at home. On such occasions a plain water mouth rinse, which can be swallowed afterwards, is better than nothing. Of all these methods of cleaning teeth, tooth brushing is the most effective. When properly done4 it removes plaque, whereas detergent foods can only clean away loose food particles. Detergent foods or mouth rinsing is not a satisfactory alternative to brushing; it is an additional measure at the end of a meal, or a substitute when brushing is not possible.

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