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Congratulating – Consoling

Task 1

Read the dialogues and underline the phrases used for congratulating and consoling. What is the situation in each dialogue?

1. A: What’s the matter, Tom? You look a bit upset.
B: Yeah, I am upset, actually. I just got a ‘C’ in my Physics exam.
A: Never mind. It’s not as bad as you think. It’s still a passing grade.
B: I suppose.

2. A: Georgia? Are you free after class?

B: Yes, lam. Why?

A: Well, I got my driving license yesterday, and I thought we could go out for a bite to eat.

B: Oh my goodness! Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!

Task 2

Use the useful language in the box to act out similar dialogues for the situations

1. A friend has passed her exams.

2.Your brother has crashed his car.

3. Your sister got accepted to study medicine abroad

4. A friend has lost his job.

5. Your classmate entered the university.

6. Your girl friend got the leading role in a film.

7. Your mother has won the lottery!

8. Your farther has broken his leg.

9. A friend has failed his exam in maths twice.

Congratulating Поздравления Congratulations! Поздравляю! Well done! Молодец, браво! Brilliant! / Excellent! Здорово! I’m (really) happy for you! Я рад за тебя! Good for you! Молодец! That’s great/fantastic news! Это великолепная, прекрасная новость! Consoling Слова утешения That’s too bad/a pity/a shame Как жаль! Don’t let it get you down Не расстраивайся из-за этого! Never mind. Полно, не обращай внимания! Don’t worry. Не волнуйся! You’ll be fine/OK/alright. Все будет хорошо. I’m so sorry. Мне очень жаль. It’s not as bad as it seems. Все не так плохо как кажется.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 256 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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