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Exercise 6. Tell about the system of Higher education of the UK to your friend who doesn’t know anything about it

Tell about the system of Higher education of the UK to your friend who doesn’t know anything about it. You may use the answers to the following questions as a plan

1. What are the requirements to the applicant who wants to enter the university?

2. Is the higher education free in Great Britain?

3. Is the fee higher for a foreign student than for a resident of the country?

4. How many terms are there in the academic years in the UK?

5. What types of classes do the English students have?

6. What degrees are awarded in universities?

7. What kind of education do the polytechnics offer?

8. What is a sandwich course?

9. What is the purpose of the Open University?



Most English Universities have picturesque campuses with beautiful gardens decorated with modern sculptures, exotic trees, flowers and ducks swimming in ponds. Some universities have even special staff to take care about the gardens. But university campus doesn’t only comprise miles of well–organized nature but all the necessary facilities for the successful students’ study as well. Besides you should keep in mind that English universities compete for the students and they have to suggest the best conditions of study and high quality of education for the lowest cost.

Task 1

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 444 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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