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Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with the Modal verbs: can, can’t, could, couldn't

Fill in the gaps with the Modal verbs: can, can’t, could, couldn't

1. I have been chosen to represent our company in Spain because I am the only person in our firm who _______ speak Spanish.

2. I _______ do my homework last night because I was too tired.

3. Do you know how to cook? – Yes, I ______ cook very well.

4. He _____ watch TV last night because his TVset was broken.

5. Mozart _______ play the piano and compose music at the age of three.

6. Elephants ______ live until they are seventy.

7. We ________ go swimming yesterday because the water was cold.

8. This diamond ring is too expensive for me. I ________ buy it.

9. Einstein ______ speak 8 foreign languages.

10. The coffee is too hot I _______ drink it.

Exercise 2

Look at the phrases given and define what abilities they denote: physical or mental? Put the verbs into two columns

To swim, to speak a foreign language, to run fast, to jump, to play football, to think, to listen to music, to dream, to read, to smell the flower, to feel the fabric, to whisper, to analyze, to argue, to persuade, to write poems.

physical abilities mental abilities
to swim to speak a foreign language

Now answer the question “What can you do?” using the phrases of Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Insert into the gaps may, might, to be allowed to/ not to be allowed to

1. You _____ go to the cinema with your friends, but, please, don’t come home late.

2. He _____ work in the laboratory next week.

3. Until you are eighteen you ________ to marry.

4. ______ I take your dictionary for a minute?

5. You _____ leave this little matter entirely to me, Mr Brown.

6. She _____ want some more wine. You’d better ask her to find it out.

7. He _____ park here. It’s strictly prohibited.

8. When we lived in a hotel we ____not____ make any noise after nine.

9. According to the rules you ___not______ bring guests.

10. You ____ take my dictionary. I don’t need it now.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1057 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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