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Exercise 6

Make up Yes/No questions using the words given

Example: India, rice, is, grown, in. Is rice grown in India?

1. Into, languages, many, this book, translated, has, been.

2. A, is, being, built, new church, in, Moscow.

3. The planet, is, known, Mars, as, “the red planet”.

4. Ground, the, covered, is, snow, with.

5. Your, is, being, wedding dress, made, your mother, by.

6. At the moment, being, taught, he, to drive, a car, is.

7. The, has, canceled, been, meeting.

8. All, have, sold, the tickets, been.

9. The, is, cut, grass, every week.

Exercise 7

Open the brackets and put the verbs into the Past Perfect Passive

1. The alarm system had been broken before the thieves climbed through a window.

2. After the stolen motorbike _______ (to find) the police called the owner.

3. Smoke rising from the mouth of the volcano _______ (to see) by the tourists two days before the eruption.

4. The dinner ___already ____ (to eat) by the time I came home.

5. All the work _______ (to do) by the moment the mother came home from work.

Exercise 8

Open the brackets and put the verbs into the Future Perfect Passive

Example: A new park will have been laid out by summer.

1. All her affairs _________ (to settle) before she gets married.

2. All the stolen goods _________ (to find) by September.

3. By the end of the year a new bridge __________ (to build).

4. I ___________ (to examine) by the doctor by this time tomorrow.

Exercise 9

Insert by or with into the gaps

1. Most children are strongly influenced ____ their parents.

2. The jam sandwiches were made _____ white bread.

3. My camera was loaded _____ a black and white film.

4. The supermarket trolley was filled _____ cat food.

5. My hair was cut _____ a top stylist.

6. The song was performed ______ Madonna.

7. This book was written _____ my favorite author.

8. Claire was shouted at ______ her teacher.

9. The cake was decorated _____ icing.

10. The tiger was shoot _____ a gun.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 787 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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