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The palace has been ________ to its former grandeur

8. The new hotel’s owners planned a whole interior anew and put a lot of effort into ________ each room, making the curtains, painting the walls and _________ old furniture.

9.. The shop is closed for _________.

The builders are coming to _______ the roof today.

This car is economical and easy to __________.

The department is responsible for the _________ of roads and bridges.

My father used to _______ our shoes.

5. destroy / ruin / damage / harm / spoil / injure

The factory was almost completely _______ by fire.

Four people have been _________ in a road accident.

Modern farming methods have done considerable ________ to the countryside.

Take care not to _______ the timer mechanism.

In Brazil the rainforests are gradually being _________.

Any kind of dishonest dealing will ________ his career.

The whole show was _________ by the lack of decent actors.

8. He doesn’t want to _________ his reputation as a political personality.

A number of bombs have exploded, seriously _________ at least five people.

10. Criticizing people’s work often does more _______ than good.

The bad weather ________ our trip.

6. cause / reason

1. There are several ________ why the plan won’t work.

Smoking is one of the main _________ of heart disease.

Police are investigating the ________ of the explosion.

4. We aren’t going, for the simple ________ that we can’t afford it.

XIX. Read the texts on pp.16-17. Learn the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations:

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 283 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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