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VII. a) Use character adjectives from the list to match their definitions (p.9)

Reliable, adventurous, creative, stressed, active, generous, confident, conservative, shy, cheerful, talkative, depressed, withdrawn, refreshed, impatient, competitive, peaceful, romantic, relaxed, calm.

1) always happy and in a good mood _ cheerful,

2) showing readiness to give money, help, kindness generous

3) willing to take risks and try new things adventurous

4) uncomfortable in the presence of others _ shy

5) fond of talking talkative

6) liking old ways, not liking change conservative

7) fit to be trusted Reliable

8) feeling or showing confidence confident

9) always thinking of new ideas _ creative

10) energetic, characterized by activity active

11) unable to deal calmly with others or to wait for somebody, easily irritated impatient

12) feeling stronger, less tired, more energetic refreshed,

13) not wanting to communicate with others withdrawn,

14) not feeling or showing anxiety or tension _ calm.

15) having a strong desire to be more successful than others competitive _

16) feeling sad and without enthusiasm or hope depressed

17) not excited, nervous or troubled relaxed,

18) connected with love, affecting emotions, feelings romantic

19) quiet, calm peaceful

20) being under great pressure, tense, anxious or worried stressed

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 383 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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