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Byzantine, adj | византийский |
to some extent | до некоторой степени |
reign, n | правление, царствование |
enormous influence | огромноевлияние |
orthodox community | православное братство |
vaulted adj | сводчатый; куполообразный |
latteradj | второй (из двух вышеупомянутых) |
longitudinal adj | продольный |
shortspan | короткий промежуток времени |
antecedent, n | предок, прародитель |
lit, adj | священный |
arms of the cross | крыльякреста |
secular architecture | светская архитектура |
stud, v | украшать |
“Two points of view on architecture: | ||
Architecture is an exercise in truth. (A proper building is responsible to universal knowledge and is wholly honest in the expression of its functions and materials). | Architecture is an exercise in narrative. (Architecture is a vehicle for the telling of stories, a canvas for relaying societal myths, a stage for the theater of everyday life).” |
Matthew Frederick (architect)
Unit 2
The Doric order | The Ionic order | The Corinthian order | The Tuscan order | The Composite order |
Fig 2.1 Orders of Architecture
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