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Pre-flight radio check

EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the standard phrases in this list.

Radio check. Проверка связи.
Radio check box 1 on 119.1. Проверка связи передатчика 1 на 119,1.
How do you read? Как слышите?
You are unreadable. Вас не слышно.
Read you 2. = Readable now and then. Слышу вас на 2. = Разборчиво временами.
Read you 3. = Readable but with difficulty. Слышу вас на 3. = Разборчиво с затруднением.
Read you 4. = Readable. Слышу вас на 4. = Разборчиво.
Read you 5. = Perfectly readable. Слышу вас на 5. = Вполне разборчиво.
Loud background whistle. Громкий фоновой свист.

EXERCISE 2 Сheck that you understand all the words and phrases in this list. Look up any new words in an aviation dictionary or ask your teacher.

signal is unstable selcall
signal is jammed selcall check
signal is weak readability
short count broken
transmitter cut in and out
adjust your transmitter loud and clear

² EXERCISE 3 Listen to the recorded dialogue.

P: Hong Kong Ground CSN 304 radio check 121.6.
C: Station calling Ground say again your callsign.
P: Hong Kong Ground CSN 304 radio check 121.6. How do you read me?
C: CSN 304 Hong Kong Ground your signal is unstable, check your transmitter and give me a short count.
P: Roger CSN 304.
P: Ground CSN 304, 1 2 3 4 5. How do you read me?
C: CSN 304 read you 3 loud background whistle, check again.
P: Roger 5 4 3 2 1. How do you read me now?
C: CSN 304 loud and clear.
P: Thank you CSN 304.

EXERCISE 4 Make the back translation of the dialogue in EXERCISE 3 and read it in two.

² EXERCISE 5 Fill in the gaps in the model exchanges with the suitable words. Then check your answers with the recording.

  P: Beijing Ground CCA 981 _________ check 129.0.________________?
  C: CCA 981 Beijing Ground read you 5.
  C: CSN 306 I read you 2. Adjust your ________________.

² EXERCISE 6 Use the words or phrases below to replace the parts in italics in the sentences.

  P: Ground G-ABCD radio check 129.0. How do you read?
  C: G-ABCD readability 5.
    · 1
    · 2 · 3 · 4
  P: Tower G-ABCD radio check 118.7.
  C: Station calling Tower You are unreadable.
    · I can’t read you · You are cut in and out · Your signal is jammed · Your signal is weak · Read you 3, loud background whistle

² EXERCISE 7 Listen to the recording and select the best suitable answer.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 534 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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