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For a mental condition. All false of course, but Paulie Gatto felt that he had earned

his draft exemption. It had been arranged by Clemenza after Gatto had "made his

bones" in the family business.

It was Clemenza who had told him that this job must be rushed through, before

The boys went to college. Why the hell did it have to be done in New York, Gatto

Wondered. Clemenza was always giving extra orders instead of just giving out the

Job. Now if those two little tramps walked out with the punks it would be another

Night wasted.

4 He could hear one of the girls laughing and saying, "Are you crazy, Jerry? I'm

not going in any car with you. I don't want to wind up in the hospital like that

other poor girl." Her voice was spitefully rich with satisfaction. That was enough

For Gatto. He finished up his beer and walked out into the dark street. Perfect. It

Was after midnight. There was only one other bar that showed light. The rest of

The stores were closed. The precinct patrol car had been taken care of by

Clemenza. They wouldn't be around that way until they got a radio call and then

they'd come slow.

He leaned against the four-door Chevy sedan. In the back seat two men were

sitting, almost invisible, although they were very big men. Paulie said, "Take them

when they come out."

He still thought it had all been set up too fast. Clemenza had given him copies

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 260 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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