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Luca Brasi was indeed a man to frighten the devil in hell himself. Short, squat,

Massive-skulled, his presence sent out alarm bells of danger. His face was

Stamped into a mask of fury. The eyes were brown but with none of the warmth of

That color, more a deadly tan. The mouth was not so much cruel as lifeless; thin,

Rubbery and the color of veal.

2 Brasi's reputation for violence was awesome and his devotion to Don Corleone

legendary. He was, in himself, one of the great blocks that supported the Don's

Power structure. His kind was a rarity.

Luca Brasi did not fear the police, he did not fear society, he did not fear God,

He did not fear hell, he did not fear or love his fellow man. But he had elected, he

had chosen, to fear and love Don Corleone. Ushered into the presence of the Don,

The terrible Brasi held himself stiff with respect. He stuttered over the flowery

Congratulations he offered and his formal hope that the first grandchild would be

Masculine. He then handed the Don an envelope stuffed with cash as a gift for the

Bridal couple.

So that was what he wanted to do. Hagen noticed the change in Don Corleone.

The Don received Brasi as a king greets a subject who has done him an

Enormous service, never familiar but with regal respect. With every gesture, with

every word, Don Corleone made it clear to Luca Brasi that he was valued. Not for

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 357 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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