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Corner room, Thomas Hagen watched the wedding party in the festooned garden

The walls behind him were stacked with law books. Hagen was the Don's lawyer

and acting consigliori, or counselor, and as such held the most vital subordinate

Position in the family business. He and the Don had solved many a knotty

Problem in this room, and so when he saw the Godfather leave the festivities and

Enter the house, he knew, wedding or no, there would be a little work this day.

The Don would be coming to see him. Then Hagen saw Sonny Corleone whisper

in Lucy Mancini's ear and their little comedy as he followed her into the house.

Hagen grimaced, debated whether to inform the Don, and decided against it. He

Went to the desk and picked up a handwritten list of the people who had been

Granted permission to see Don Corleone privately. When the Don entered the

room, Hagen handed him the list. Don Corleone nodded and said, "Leave

Bonasera to the end."

Hagen used the French doors and went directly out into the garden to where

The supplicants clustered around the barrel of wine. He pointed to the baker, the

Pudgy Nazorine.

Don Corleone greeted the baker with an embrace. They had played together as

Children in Italy and had grown up in friendship. Every Easter freshly baked

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 294 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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