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Clotted-cheese and wheat-germ pies, their crusts yolk-gold, big around as truck

wheels, arrived at Don Corleone's home. On Christmas, on family birthdays, rich

creamy pastries proclaimed the Nazorines' respect. And all through the years,

Lean and fat, Nazorine cheerfully paid his dues to the bakery union organized by

The Don in his salad days. Never asking for a favor in return except for the chance

To buy black-market OPA sugar coupons during the war. Now the time had come

For the baker to claim his rights as a loyal friend, and Don Corleone looked

Forward with great pleasure to granting his request.

He gave the baker a Di Nobili cigar and a glass of yellow Strega and put his

hand on the man's shoulder to urge him on. That was the mark of the Don's

Humanity. He knew from bitter experience what courage it took to ask a favor

From a fellow man.

The baker told the story of his daughter and Enzo. A fine Italian lad from Sicily;

Captured by the American Army; sent to the United States as a prisoner of war;

given parole to help our war effort! A pure and honorable love had sprung up

Between honest Enzo and his sheltered Katherine but now that the war was

ended the poor lad would be repatriated to Italy and Nazorine's daughter would

Surely die of a broken heart. Only Godfather Corleone could help this afflicted

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 371 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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