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Learn the vocabulary

Travel trip (to go on a) journey (to go on a) tour (to go on a) voyage (to make a) to spend holidays, to holiday flight itinerary to explore to show round the city to have recreation and language activities to live with a host family destination to be a popular tourist destination   seaside resort to hitch-hike to go sightseeing подорож, подорожувати поїздка (в обидва кінці) поїздка в один кінець, дорога екскурсія, екскурсійний тур (морська подорож) проводити канікули рейс маршрут оглядати (місцевість) показувати місто об’єднувати відпочинок з мовною практикою жити в родині місце призначення бути місцем, популярним для відвідування туристами курорт поїхати ‘автостопом’ їхати на екскурсію

15. Complete the sentences with travel, journey, trip, tour or voyage.

1. … broadens the mind. 2. Londoners often go on a day … to Brighton. 3. The organization of … has become big business. 4. He makes the same … every day, from London to Brighton and back. 5. You can buy a book of tickets for twelve …. 6. Foreign … is enjoyable, but rather expensive. 7. My companion suggested that we make a … of the Hollands. 8. how long does the … take by car? 9. The ship set out on a … to Cape Town. 10. Over the weekend we made a … into the country. 11. It’s a long … from Scotland to Land’s End. 12. … enriches one’s education. 13. During my … of England I visited many places.

16. Translate the sentences using journey.

1. Щасливої дороги! 2. Як ви доїхали? 3. Подорож від Києва до Берліна триває 2 години. 4. Дорога назад тривала дуже довго. 5. По дорозі на роботу я зазвичай читаю.

17. Rephrase the sentence using to be your destination.

1. We’re planning to travel to America this summer. 2. Next summer I’ll travel to Egypt. 3. Last year our group travelled to Europe.

18. Read and retell the information.

The airport procedure


This is usual sequence of activities when you get to the airport.

First you go to the check-in desk where they weigh your luggage. Usually you are permitted 20 kilos, but if your bags weigh more, you may have to pay excess baggage. The airline representative checks your ticket and gives you a boarding card for the plane with your seat number on it.

Next you go through passport control where an official checks your passport.

Then you go through security control where your luggage is scanned for dangerous and prohibited objects.

After that you get into the departure lounge. Here you can also buy things in the duty-free, e.g. perfume, alcohol and cigarettes. About half an hour or forty minutes before take-off, you are told to go to a gate number, e.g. gate 4, where you wait before you get on the plane. When you board the plane, you find your seat. If you have hand luggage, you can put it under your seat or in the overhead locker above your seat.

The plane then taxis towards the runway, and when it has permission to take off, it accelerates the runway and takes off.

The flight

You may want or need to understand certain announcements: these come from the captain or from an air steward or stewardess / cabin crew:

Please fasten your seat belt and put your seat in the upright position.

We are now cruising at an altitude of 10,000 metres.

May we remind passengers that there is no smoking until you are inside the terminal building.


When the plane lands, you have to wait for it to stop. When the doors are open, you get off the plane and walk through the terminal building and go to the baggage reclaim where you collect your baggage. You then pass through customs (green = nothing to declare; red = goods to declare; blue = European Union citizens). You can then get a bus, taxi or train to the centre of town. You can also hire a car at most airports.

16. What do you call:

1. The place where you go when you arrive at the airport with your luggage?

2. The card they they give you with the seat number on it?

3. The money you have to pay if your luggage is very heavy?

4. The place where you sit and have a drink when you are waiting for your flight to _r called?

5. The bags you carry onto the plane with you?

6. The place above your head where you can put your hand luggage?

7. The part of the airport where the plane accelerates and takes off?

8. The people who look after you on the plane?

9. The part of the airport you walk through when you arrive or depart?

10. The place where you collect your luggage after you land?

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 1129 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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