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Write the plan to the text in 1.5. Use the plan to speak about the duties of aircraft mechanics

Make a dialogue.

Student A is the interviewer. Read the job description. You are to interview the applicant and find out whether he/she suits the requirements.

Job description

Aircraft Interiors Project Design Engineer - Hertfordshire/Surrey - Permanent - £35k - £45k
We are seeking an Aircraft Systems Project Engineer for an exciting project-based permanent position within the Aerospace industry.

You can be based either in Hertfordshire or Surrey depending on your location and main duties will include leading an innovative global aircraft interiors design team and being their Subject Matter Expert; interior aircraft design engineering; concept, 3D design, component modelling; liaison with Regulatory Authorities and on-site client requirement-gathering including managing stakeholder expectations.

To be considered for this position, you must have the following skills and experience:
- Degree in Engineering plus product engineering experience (entire lifecycle)

- Project Management skills/ability to juggle tasks.

- Good knowledge of engineering drawing standards

- AutoCAD or CATIA V5 or SolidWorks

- Ability to lead/manage a design engineering team

For more information please contact Suzy Lines on 01329 232221.

Student B is the applicant. You are a BSc in aviation. You have got 6-year experience of work in the airport of Washington, D.C. in the position of a maintenance engineer. You can work under stress. You have never worked as a team leader. You know some main engineering programs for aircraft design.

Language focus

1.14 Tell your friend about the interview you have been to (see 4.13). Give details. Mind the rules of sequence of tenses. Remember that after the Past tense in the main clause only one of the Past tenses should be used in the subordinate clause (but for the general truth). Begin with the following phrases:

I have learnt that … I was asked if … The interviewer wondered if … I answered that … I asked if …

I replied that … He/ She was interested if I … I hope that … He/She hinted that …

Add the prefixes in the box to the words below or replace the prefixes in those words if it is possible.

en- re- in- pre- dis- de-

Place, visible, flight, cover, dependent, sure, increase, rich, test, move, complete.

Unit 2

Nature of Aircraft Pilots and Flight Engineers Work

In this unit you will:

Read Talk about Test your Practice about the duties of pilots and engineers responsibilities of the flying personnel your knowledge of –ing forms and modal verbs using linking words and word-building, scanning and skimming


accelerate (v) attain (v) be on the lookout cargo (n) chart (n) cockpit (n) confer (v) circumstances (n) destination (n) disgruntle (v) disruptive (adj) dusting crops employment setting enforcement officer en route file (v) fly airplanes (v) handling (n) hijack (v) instrument flight rules intruder (n) issue (v) maintenance status obstacle (n) perform (v) readings (n) request (v) rescue (v) rigorous (adj) runway (n) share (v) shift (n) smooth (adj) supervise (v) track (v) undergo (v) under the program visibility (n) visual reference weather forecaster ускорять(ся) добиваться быть настороже груз таблица, график кабина пилота зд. совещаться обстоятельства пункт назначения раздражать, сердить зд. нарушающий порядок обработка полей с воздуха зд. условия контракта человек, обеспечивающий соблюдение закона по маршруту подавать водить самолеты обращение с кем-либо, чем-либо угонять самолет правила полета по приборам, («слепой» полет) захватчик обеспечивать, снабжать техническое состояние самолета препятствие выполнять показания приборов запрашивать спасать напряженный, зд. серьезный взлетная полоса делить с кем-то зд. смена спокойный наблюдать за, руководить следить, выслеживать зд. проходить в соответствии с программой видимость визуальный ориентир метеоролог

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