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Choose the right translation for the given words and word combinations

1. Canopy a) штурвал, b) навес от солнца, с) пульт, d) кабина.

2. Сrew а) пилот, b) старшина, с) экипаж, d) автопилот.

3. Compartment а) устройство, b) приборная панель, с) палуба,

d) салон.

4. Rudder a) руль направления, b) радиооборудование,

с) защитный экран, d) кабина пилотов.

5. Impediment a) закрылок, b) энергетическая установка,

c) помеха, d) отсек.

6.Joystick а) рычаг управления, b) экран, c) щиток, d) кресло


7. “Soft keys” a) удобное оборудование, b) сенсорные клавиши,

c) оборудование для радиосвязи, d) вышедшие из

строя кнопки.

8. Hard-wired a) запрограммированный, b) проволочный,

c) устаревший, d) жёсткий.

9. Percentile a) мелкая деталь, b) единичный случай,

с) процентный эквивалент, d) коэффициент.

10. Windscreen a) закрылок, b) лобовое стекло, c) флюгер,

d) хвостовой отсек.

Match the synonyms.


cockpit airliner

aircraft sidearm controller

side stick louver

rear section flight deck

glare shield aft body

Joystick canopy

Slat section

Compartment centre stick


Make up 8-10 questions to the text (ex3.4). Ask your group mates.

Using the questions from the previous exercise as a plan, retell the text (ex.3.4).


3.11. Read the second part of the text about cockpit and complete the following table:


Part 2

Flight instruments

In the modern electronic cockpit, the flight instruments usually regarded as essential are MCP, PFD, ND, EICAS, FMS/CDU and back-up instruments.


A Mode Control Panel, usually a long narrow panel located centrally in front of the pilot, may be used to control Heading(HDG), Speed(SPD), Altitude(ALT), Vertical Speed(V/S), Vertical Navigation(VNAV) and Lateral Navigation(LNAV). It may also be used to engage or disengage both the autopilot and the autothrottle. The panel as an area is usually referred to as the "glareshield panel". MCP is a Boeing designation (that has been informally adopted as a generic name for the unit/panel) for a unit that allows for the selection and parameter setting of the different Autoflight functions, the same unit on an Airbus aircraft is referred to as the FCU (Flight Control unit).


The Primary Flight Display will usually be located in a prominent position, either centrally or on on either side of the cockpit. It will in most cases include a digitized presentation of the attitude indicator, air speed and altitude indicators (usually as a tape display) and the vertical speed indicator. It will in many cases include some form of heading indicator and ILS/VOR deviation indicators. In many cases an indicator of the engaged and armed autofight system modes will be present along with some form of indication of the selected values for altitude, speed, vertical speed and heading. It may be pilot selectable to swap with the ND.


A Navigation Display, which may be adjacent to the PFD, shows the current route and information on the next waypoint, current wind speed and wind direction. It may be pilot selectable to swap with the PFD.


The Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System (used for Boeing) or Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor (for Airbus) will allow the pilot to monitor the following information: values for N1, N2 and N3, fuel temperature, fuel flow, the electrical system, cockpit or cabin temperature and pressure, control surfaces and so on. The pilot may select display of information by means of button press.


The Flight Management System/Control Unit may be used by the pilot to enter and check for the following information: Flight Plan, Speed Control, Navigation Control, and so on.

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 378 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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