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Back-up instruments

In a less prominent part of the cockpit, in case of failure of the other instruments, there will be a set of back-up instruments, showing basic flight information such as Speed, Attitude, Heading, and aircraft attitude.

Abbreviation Full name of the instrument Functions

Language focus

Put the verbs in brackets in the right form observing the rules of Sequence of Tenses.

1. We learned that from about 1935 cockpit also (to come) to be used informally to refer to the driver's seat of a car.

2. It was true that they (to reconstruct) instrument panels.

3. He asked whether the military fast jet (to undergo) standardization.

4. The question was why the aircraft (no to be) equipped with a transparent aircraft canopy.

5. The experts found out that some hard-wired dedicated switches (to be) used for reasons of integrity and safety.

6. Then it was admitted that the layout of control panels in modern airliners (to become) largely unified across the industry.

7. He called the pilot-captain to tell that the flaps (not to work).

8 The towerman decided that the plane (to land) in ten minutes.

Explain why the rule of Sequence of Tenses is not observed for the following sentences.

1. It is known that the control column has been replaced with an electronic side stick.

2. The designer said that ergonomics and human factors concerns are important in the design of modern cockpits.

3. We must take into account that cockpit windows may be equipped with a sun shield.

4. He says the majority of the systems-related controls are usually located in the ceiling on an overhead panel.

5. We were told that the access to the cockpit by the passengers is forbidden.


Sum up the information from the two texts (ex.3.4 and ex.3.11) and prepare a topic about airplane cockpit.


Supplementary texts


The fuselage should carry the payload, and is the main body to which all parts are connected. It must be able to resist bending moments (caused by weight and lift from the tail), torsional loads (caused by fin and rudder) and cabin pressurization. The structural strength and stiffness of the fuselage must be high enough to withstand these loads. At the same time, the structural weight must be kept to a minimum.

In transport aircraft, the majority of the fuselage is cylindrical or near-cylindrical, with tapered nose and tail sections. The semi-monocoque construction, which is virtually standard in all modern aircraft, consists of a stressed skin with added stringers to prevent buckling, attached to hoop-shaped frames.

The fuselage also has members perpendicular to the skin, that support it and help keep its shape. These supports are called frames if they are open or ring-shaped or bulkheads if they are closed.

Disturbances in the perfect cylindrical shell, such as doors and windows, are called cutouts. They are usually unsuitable to carry many of the loads that are present on the surrounding structure. The direct load paths are interrupted and as a result the structure around the cut-out must be reinforced to maintain the required strength.

A typical freighter aircraft will have a much larger door than a passenger aircraft. It is therefore necessary for them to transmit some of the loads from the frames and stringers. Where doors are smaller, the surrounding structure is reinforced to transmit the loads around the door.

In aircraft with pressurized fuselages, the fuselage volume both above and below the floor is pressurized, so no pressurization loads exist on the floor. If the fuselage is suddenly de-pressurized, the floor will be loaded because of the pressure difference. The load will persist until the pressure in the plane has equalized, usually via floor-level side wall vents.

Sometimes different parts of the fuselage have different radii. This is termed a double-bubble fuselage.

Pressurization can lead to tension or compression of the floor-supports, depending on the design.

Frames give the fuselage its cross-sectional shape and prevent it from buckling, when it is subjected to bending loads. Stringers give a large increase in the stiffness of the skin under torsion and bending loads, with minimal increase in weight. Frames and stringers make up the basic skeleton of the fuselage. Pressure bulkheads close the pressure cabin at both ends of the fuselage, and thus carry the loads imposed by pressurization. They may take the form of flat discs or curved bowls.

Fatigue is a phenomenon caused by repetitive loads on a structure. It depends on the magnitude and frequency of these loads in combination with the applied materials and structural shape. Fatigue-critical areas are at the fuselage upper part and at the joints of the fuselage frames to the wing spars.

Wing Contents

Providing lift is the main function of the wings of an aircraft. The wings consist of two essential parts: the internal wing structure, consisting of spars, ribs and stringers, and the external wing, which is the skin.

Ribs give the shape to the wing section, support the skin (prevent buckling) and act to prevent the fuel surging around as the aircraft manoeuvres. They serve as attachment points for the control surfaces, flaps, undercarriage and engines. The ribs need to support the wing-panels, achieve the desired aerodynamic shape and keep it, provide points for conducting large forces, add strength, prevent buckling, and separate the individual fuel tanks within the wing.

There are many kinds of ribs. Form ribs consist of a sheet of metal, bent into shape. Plate-type ribs consist of sheet-metal, which has upturned edges and weight-saving holes cut out into it. These ribs are used in conditions of light to medium loading. Truss ribs consist of profiles that are joined together. These ribs may be suitable for a wide range of load-types. Closed ribs are constructed from profiles and sheet-metal, and are suitable for closing off sections of the wing. This rib is also suitable for a variety of loading conditions. Forged ribs are manufactured using heavy press-machinery, and are used for sections where very high loads apply. Milled ribs are solid structures, manufactured by milling away excess material from a solid block of metal, and are also used where very high loads apply.

The stringers on the skin panels run in the length of the wing, and so usually need to bridge the ribs. There are several methods for dealing with this problem. The stringers and ribs can both be uninterrupted.

The stringers now run over the rib, leaving a gape between rib and skin. Rib and skin are indirectly connected, resulting in a bad shear load transfer between rib and skin. The stringers can be interrupted at the rib. Interrupting the stringer in this way certainly weakens the structure, and therefore extra strengthening material, called a doubler, is usually added. Naturally, the stringers can also interrupt the rib. The stringers now run through holes cut into the rib, which also causes inevitable weakening of the structure. The ribs also need to be supported, which is done by the spars. These are simple beams that usually have a cross-section similar to an I-beam. The spars are the most heavily loaded parts of an aircraft. They carry much more force at its root, than at the tip. Since wings will bend upwards, spars usually carry shear forces and bending moments.

Aerodynamic forces not only bend the wing, they also twist it. To prevent this, the introduction of a second spar seems logical. Torsion now induces bending of the two spars, which is termed differential bending. Modern commercial aircrafts often use two-spar wings where the spars are joined by a strengthened section of skin, forming the so-called torsion-box structure. The skin in the torsion-box structure serves both as a spar-cap (to resist bending), as part of the torsion box (to resist torsion) and to transmit aerodynamic forces.

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