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Combine each of the following sentences into one sentence using an infinitive

1. Airplanes are designed for particular purposes.They should move people and cargo from one place to another.

2. The wings generate most of the lift. This lift is aimed on holding the plane in the air.

3. Smaller, low-speed airplanes use propellers for the propulsion system. These propellers provide the proper work of the propulsion system.instead of turbine engines.

4. There are also turbine engines. They can be used in propulsion system as well.

5. The vertical stabilizer hasone main function. It keeps the nose of the plane from swinging from side to side.

6. The rudder is used in airplanes. It deflects the tail to the left and right.

7. Planes have flaps. They are deployed downward on takeoff and landing.

8. The spoilers are also used during landing. They slow the plane down and to counteract the flaps when the aircraft is on the ground.

9. There are a lot of different types of airplanes. You can tell about any of them.

10. There are a lot of different devices. They help the pilots to navigate the plane.


Prepare a report about airplane parts and their functions (you can use the picture from ex.1.4, the text itself, the table from the previous exercise to help you).

Unit 2

In this unit you will:

Read Talk about Test your Practice about types of the airplane wings about different materials used for producing airplane wings and functions of the airplane wings; ability to use the forms of the verbs in Passive Voice comparing different types of airplane wings.


aileron - элерон;

airfoil - аэродинамическая поверхность, крыло;

attach - прикреплять, соединять, стыковать, отбортовывать;

compression rib - нервюра, воспринимающая нагрузку на сжатие;

cruising flight - полёт по маршруту, полёт на крейсерском режиме;

flap - щиток, закрылок

flush - подниматься, выравнивать, выпускать(резко);

full cantilever - консольное(крыло);

leading edge - передняя кромка крыла;

rib - типовая нервюра, ребро жесткости;

semi cantilever - полунавесное(крыло);

skin - зд. обшивка фюзеляжа;

spar - основная часть структуры крыла самолёта, идущая от вершины до

основания; стойка; штанга; балка; лонжерон;

stringer - продольный элемент жесткости, продольная балка,

strut - нога шасси, кронштейн, сжатый элемент конструкции, стойка;

trailing edge - задняя кромка крыла.

Before you start

2.2. Answer the questions:

a) What do you know about aircraft wings?

b) How are they constructed and how do they function?


Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 336 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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