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II. COMPREHENSION. 1. A. Give the definitions for the following terms and expressions or explain in other words:

1. A. Give the definitions for the following terms and expressions or explain in other words:

1. international law;

2. long-standing customs;

3. enforcement of international law;

4. sovereign state;

5. diplomatic relations.

B. Answer the following questions using the information from the text:

1. What is the definition of international law?

2. What is international law aimed at?

3. How is international law implemented?

4. What are the subjects of international law?

5. What is the division of the rules of international law?

2. Complete the following sentences according to the information from the text:

1. International law is the law …

2. Some international law is also created by …

3. International law also aims …

4. Enforcement may be effectively achieved through …

5. International law began as a system …

6. The rules of international law are generally divided into laws …

7. The emergence of international human rights law and, more recently, international criminal law reflects the fact that individuals today …

8. Under international law, belligerents are forbidden …

3. Match the following legal terms with their definitions:

1. custom a) having undisputed right to make decisions and act accordingly
2. rule b) 1. a generally accepted practice or habit, convention; 2. long – established practice having the force of law
3. sovereign c) a binding legal agreement or a moral responsibility
4. organization d) an association or society of people working together to some end
5. obligation e) an accepted method of behaviour or procedure

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 475 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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