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III. Vocabulary study. 1. Match the terms with their definitions and make up your own sentences with these words:

1. Match the terms with their definitions and make up your own sentences with these words:

1 Advocate-General a) legal force, lawfulness
2 mandate b) the breach of law
3 infringement c) a means of judicial defence
4 petition d) the power that is officially given to a person or a group of persons to do sth
5 remedy e) an official letter to a law court asking for a legal case to be considered
6 validity f) a senior law officer who assists the ECJ in its task of reaching a judgment in the cases brought before the court

2. Complete the sentences with the words given below:

(validity, opinion, infringement, mandate, petition, case, remedies, Advocates-General, judges)

1. … are characterized by their independence and impartiality. Following the hearing of the … they deliver in open court an … that is not binding on the … but which reflects the views of someone with the same standing as a judge.

2. The union leaders had a … from their members to call a strike.

3. They wanted me to sign their ….

4. Courts have different types of … at their disposal.

5. The … of this document is in question.

6. Cases on the … of human rights are heard in the ECHR.

3. Make up sentences with the following words and phrases:

To interpret, binding, to be subject to, to manage, to try remedies, direct litigation, petition.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 519 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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