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Enforcement of International Law

After a …(1) body passes a law for a nation or a state, police …(2) the laws, and people who break …(3) are tried in courts. However, there is no international legislature to pass rules that all nations are required … (4). Neither is there an international police force …(5) countries obey international law. As a result, it is often difficult to enforce international law.

International law …(6) in three groups, according to how many nations accept them. Universal international law …(7) the rules …(8) by all nations as part of international law. These rules …(8) such items as the sanctity of treaties, the safety of foreign ambassadors, and each nation’s jurisdiction over the air space above its territory. General international law includes rules accepted by the majority of countries, especially …(10) that are most powerful. One law of this type is the rule that each nation has jurisdiction …(11) its territorial waters. A water area typically claimed to extend 12 nautical miles from …(12) shore. Particular international law includes agreements between two or among a few nations, such as trade treaties.

  A B C
  legislation legislative legislature
  enforce enforcement enforceable
  they them their
  to observe observance observation
  made to make make
  are often classified is often classified often classified
  include includes to includes
  accepted accepting accept
  covers cover is covered
  them they those
  under above over
  it’s its it

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 343 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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