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1. a law of nature as formulated and accepted by the mind

2. the acceptance of moral law as a guide to behavior

3. a rule by which a person chooses to govern his conduct, often forming part of a code

4. an essential truth upon which other truths are based

2. Choose the right preposition in brackets according to the contents of the sentences (after, of, before, for, from, in).

· 1. Many of the customs of the international relations have existed… hundreds of years. … example, the ancient Greeks protected foreign ambassadors …mistreatment, even in wartime. For about 2000 years, nations have given ambassadors similar protection.

· 2. Traditional international law developed various doctrines and institutions that were designed to protect different groups … human beings: slaves, minorities, certain native populations, foreign nationals, victims of very massive violations.

3. … the period of Rome’s dominance of the ancient world, there was emerged rules governing the relations between Rome and the various nations or peoples with which it had contact.

· 4. Treaties, the immunities of ambassadors, and certain laws are to be found many centuries … the dawn of Christianity, in ancient Egypt and India.

· 5. The modern system of international law is a product … only the last four hundred years.

6. … a legislative body passes a law for a nation or a state, police enforce the laws, and people who break them are tried in courts.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 372 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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