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III. Practice and experience. 1. How good are you at detective work?

1. How good are you at detective work? Below there are two conversations. They include 6 colloquial speech words. The definition of these words you can find in the box. Read the conversation and use the context to match the words with their definitions.

1) A defense lawyer

2) An informer

3) In prison

4) to arrest

5) To rob using weapons

6) To inform the police

Dialogue 1.

- Have you heard about Henry?

- No. What?

- He’s been nicked.

- You are joking. What happened?

- He was blagging a bank with his brother and somebody grassed on them.

- Who’s the nark?

- Who knows? Henry’s got a lot of enemies.

Dialogue 2.

- What did he get?

- Eight years.

- Eight years inside! You said he had a good brief.

- Well, he thought he did.

A. Below there are the quotations by famous people about law. Match the parts of the quotations and then try to guess who each of the quotations belong to. Then check your answers.

B. Which of the quotations do you agree with? Which of them can you argue? Motivate your point of view.

1) Law grinds the poor,

2) Law is a form of order and

3) Law is founded not on theory but

4) Laws, like houses,

5) Laws were made

6) Let all the laws be clear, uniform,

A. lean on one another.

B. and rich men rule the law.

C. to be broken.

D. good law must necessarily mean good order.

E. upon nature.

F. and precise

I. Oliver Goldsmith (1730 - 1774), Irish-born British novelist, playwright, and poet.

II. Voltaire (1694 - 1778), French writer and philosopher.

III. Christopher North (1785 - 1854),Scottish poet, essayist, and critic.

IV. Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797),Irish-born British statesman and political philosopher.

V. Cicero (106 - 43 BC), Roman orator and statesman.

VI. Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC), Greek philosopher.

The key:

1 B I

2 D VI

3 E V

4 A IV


6 F II

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 342 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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