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I. Warming up

1. Read and comment on the quotation by Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797), Irish-born British statesman and political philosopher: “Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.”

2. Answer the question: What is the main task of criminal law?

3. Match the following English words and expressions with their Ukrainian equivalents:

  to be tempted to   типовий злочин
  to threaten with punishment   забороняти
  conduct   на відміну від
  archetypal crimes   намагатись розв’язати правові спори
  disturbance of the public peace and order   призвести до шкідливих наслідків
  to forbid   бути схильним до чогось
  lead to harmful results   бути ув’язненим
  unlike   загрожувати покаранням
  to seek to resolve legal disputes   поведінка
  to be incarcerated   порушення суспільного миру й порядку

4. A. Divide the following words into two groups:

- those in which the diphthong – ea is pronounced as [i:];

- those in which the diphthong – ea is pronounced as [e]

Lead, already, threaten, deal, peace, health, treating, death, least, European.

B. In the text below find the sentence with the word conduct. What syllable is stressed in this word? When is the stress on the second syllable?

Read the text.


Criminal Law

Criminal law (also known as penal law) is the body of law that deals with crime and the legal punishment of criminal offenses.

Criminal law seeks to protect the public from harm by inflicting punishment upon those who have already done harm and by threatening with punishment those who are tempted to do harm. The harm that criminal law aims to prevent varies. It may be physical harm, death, or bodily injury to human beings; the loss of or damage to property; sexual immorality; danger to the government; disturbance of the public peace and order; or injury to the public health. Criminal law also often tries to avoid harm by forbidding conduct that may lead to harmful results.

Criminal punishment, depending on the offense and jurisdiction, may include execution, loss of liberty, government supervision (parole or probation), or fines. There are some archetypal crimes, like murder, but the illegal acts are not wholly the same between different criminal codes, and even within a particular code lines may be blurred, as civil law violations sometimes give rise also to criminal consequences. Criminal law typically is enforced by the government, unlike the civil law, which may be enforced by private parties.

Criminal law involves prosecution by the government of a person for an act that has been classified as a crime. Civil cases, on the other hand, involve individuals and organizations seeking to resolve legal disputes. In a criminal case, the state, through a prosecutor, initiates the suit, while in a civil case the victim brings the suit. Persons convicted of a crime may be incarcerated, fined, or both. However, persons found liable in a civil case may only have to give up property or pay money, but are not incarcerated.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 465 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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