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IV. WRITING. 1. You are John. This is a part of a letter that a 19-year old law student has sent you

1. You are John. This is a part of a letter that a 19-year old law student has sent you. Read it, then write him/her a letter giving your advice. Use the following useful expressions and plan.

Dear John,

I’ve just found out that I’ve failed my exam in Criminal law. The question I had to answer was not very difficult (as it seemed then): “The sources of criminal law in the USA”. I was sure that it’s worth speaking about precedent – and that’s all, but the lecture wasn’t satisfied with my answer and gave me bad mark; he even didn’t explain what my mistake was. The good thing is that I will be able to retake the exam in two weeks, but I’m so scared to fail it again! What can I do? Please, help me!

Useful expressions;

Start with: I just got your letter; I think I can help you; I was sorry to hear about your problem.

Giving advice: You should…; Why don’t you…? It would be a good idea…; The best thing you can do is…; I strongly advice you to…; Your mistake was…; If I were you, I’d…

Finish with: I hope this helps you; Let me know what happens; Hope this advice is of some help to you; Things will get better soon.




Para 1: Express sympathy

Main body

Para 2: Give your advice


Para 3: End the letter offering some encouragement


Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 411 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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