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V. SPEAKING. 1. Read and translate the dialogue:

1. Read and translate the dialogue:

Journalist: Good morning, Mr.Mason. May I ask you a few questions about secrets of your proficiency?

Mr.Mason: Yes, indeed.

Journalist: The typical TV image of the defence lawyer is a brilliant legal. detective, strategist, and orator, whose clients are never guilty and who always succeeds in making the prosecutor look silly. What is the main thing in your profession?

Mr. Mason: You know, the main thing in the lawyer’s activity is to represent a client zealously within the bounds of the law.

Journalist: But how can you defend people who you know are guilty?

Mr.Mason: Under the legislation every person is entitled to a fair trial, every person is to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. That’s why I think the defence lawyers are to ensure that the interests of an accused are fully protected.

Journalist: Does it mean that you must go beyond the limits of your own conscience?

Mr.Mason: Surely, it doesn’t. All the more so, lawyers are expected to adhere to high standards of ethical conduct.

Journalist: Can you give examples of unprofessional conduct?

Mr.Mason: Such examples include using illegal means to obtain evidence, paying a witness for testimony and knowingly entering false evidence.

Journalist: And if a client believes that a lawyer has acted unethically, can he charge the lawyer of his misconduct?

Mr.Mason: The client may contact the lawyer’s disciplinary agencies which are authorized to investigate charges of lawyer’s misconduct.

Journalist: Thank you very much. It was really a pleasure to talk to you.

2. Imagine you are a journalist of some newspaper. Using the materials received during an interview with Mr. Mason, think over your future article. Present it beginning with the words:

The headline of my article is…

The article deals with (concerns, dwells upon, describes, draws the reader’s attention to) the problem of…

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 689 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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