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III. Vocabulary study. Study the word families of the following words

Study the word families of the following words. Mark the meaning in which they are used in the text. Give their Ukrainian equivalents, compose your own sentences.

l awyer

1) a member of the legal profession;

2) advocate, barrister, solicitor.


1) a barrier in a law court, separating the part where the business is carried on from the part for spectators;

2) a place where drinks are served;

3) profession of a barrister;

4) a collective term for all barristers(in the US all lawyers).


1) state of affairs;

2) any proceeding, action, lawsuit;

3) a box and its contents.


1) public position of authority;

2) room used as a place for business;

3) buildings of government department.

2. Complete the sentences with the words of the active vocabulary:

1. Equal rights are guaranteed to …………with the other participants of the judicial proceeding.

2. Discharging his professional duties the lawyer …………..

3. Many lawyers spend a large portion of their time …………………….

4. …is a voluntary professional public association of lawyers governed by the rule of law, principles of independence, democracy, humanity and confidence.

5. The lawyer is entitled to ……………………………………………….

6. In the closing arguments called the ……………………. a defence lawyer summarizes the case from his point of view.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 541 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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