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II. COMPREHENSION. 1. A. Give the definitions for the following terms and expressions or explain in other words:

1. A. Give the definitions for the following terms and expressions or explain in other words:

1. lawyer

2. bar

3. defendant

4. witness

5. plaintiff

B. Answer the following questions using the information from the text:

1. What is the origin of the term “advocate”?

3. What does the word “lawyer” mean?

4. What are the main functions of a lawyer?

5. Whose interests does a lawyer represent in a civil case?

6. Whose interests does a lawyer represent in a criminal case?

7. What functions does a lawyer perform in a courtroom?

8. What professional duties does a lawyer discharge?

9. What activity is incompatible with the lawyer’s status?

2. Complete the following sentences according to the information from the text:

1. A lawyer is…………………………………………………………………

2. The lawyer’s activity is ……………………………………………………

3. A lawyer may act…………………………………………………………...

4. During the trial a lawyer …………………………………………………...

5. Lawyers provide …………………………………………………………...

6. At the end of the court hearing a lawyer …………………………………..

3. Match the following legal terms with their definitions:

1.defendant a) the party who begins an action, complaints or sues
2.civil case b) a court case that involves a private dispute arising from such matters as accidents, contractual obligations, divorce
3.witness c) a person, company, etc. against whom a criminal charge or civil claim is made
4.plaintiff d) any form of proof legally presented at a trial through witnesses, records, documents
5. evidence e) a court case involving a crime, or violation of public order
6.criminal case f) a person who testifies to what he has seen, heard or otherwise observed

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 432 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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